Write-shop joint IDRC-ACIAR call (Cultivate Africa’s Future Fund 2 call)

  • 14th February 2018
  • by secretary

12 to 16 February 2018. Entebbe, Uganda. ACIAR and IDRC have launched Phase 2 of the Cultivate Africa’s Future (CultiAF-2), building of the success of Phase 1, to address food and nutrition insecurity in Africa, promote learning about what works, and engage partners in developing innovations that respond to the needs of smallholder farmers, consumers and local stakeholders.

By funding applied research in agricultural development, the expected outcome is an increase in high-quality scientific research with a focus on the adoption of existing and new research results, as well as testing mechanisms to take proven research innovations to scale in order to tackle persistent problems of food insecurity.

CultiAF-2 focuses on issues under 4 key research areas aligned to the regional priorities of the 2014 ‘Malabo declaration on accelerated agricultural growth and transformation for shared prosperity and improved livelihoods’.

  1. Improved productivity and incomes for farmers and communities and decreased post-harvest losses.
  2. Improved gender equity.
  3. Nutrition and human health.
  4. Climate change and sustainable water management.

The workshop is divided into plenary sessions, topical presentations, peer review and group work

  1. Block I – Introduction (general presentations); Analysis of the Call for Concept Notes 
  2. Block 2 – Critical discussion on research proposal ideas and titles 
  3. Block 3 – Situation analysis; Needs assessment; Stakeholder analysis; Problem analysis; Objective analysis 
  4. Block 4 – Research problem; Research questions 
  5. Block 5 – SWOT analysis of the proposed partnership 
  6. Block 6 – Logical frameworks of the Proposals; Impact pathways; Calendar 
  7. Block 7 – Risks; Management; Gender consideration; Environmental sustainability 
  8. Block 8 – Logistics; Staffing; Partnership co-ordination; Costs 
  9. Block 9 – Completion Concept Note; Submission mechanism 
  10. Block 10 – Analysis of completion status Concept Note; Follow-up 

The PAEPARD consortia involved in the write-shop are:

  1. EAFF- Aflatoxin -Kenya
  2. KALRO- Aflatoxin  -Kenya
  3. Groundnut- Malawi. They have changed and are working on Milk Value Chain in –Malawi
  4. Indigenous vegetables –Uganda 
  5. WOUGNET- Cow peas and rice integration –Uganda
  6. Aquaculture Malawi  -Kenya
  7. Eldoret University- Soils Fertility Management (former Indigenous vegetables)  -Kenya
  8. Irish Potatoes -Burundi
  9. Small ruminants but now working on chickens-  Zimbabwe

