Science Forum 2018 (SF18)

  • 11th October 2018
  • by secretary

10-12 October 2018. Stellenbosch, South Africa. Science Forum 2018 (SF18)Win more, lose less: Capturing synergies between SDGs through agricultural research.

SF18 is organized by the CGIAR’S Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) and co-hosted by the South African Agricultural Research Council.

The objective of SF18 was to identify substantial interactions between the Sustainable Development Goals (both positive and negative), the role of agricultural research in augmenting synergies and managing trade-offs, and the ensuing implications for the science-policy interface.

SF18 explored three key topics, in addition to a cross-cutting topic on strengthening the science-policy interface, and background papers have been commissioned to set the scene and guide Forum discussions:

  1. Interactions between increasing staple crop productivity, resilience to climate change, improving nutrition and sustaining agro-biodiversity
  2. Interactions between intensifying livestock and aquaculture production for food and nutrition security, and: a) increased vulnerability to antimicrobial resistance and zoonoses; b) land use change
  3. Grappling with complex systems: the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus interactions
 Results will contribute to the discussion of developing research themes and frameworks in CGIAR.
Interactions between increasing staple crop productivity, resilience to climate change, improving nutrition and sustaining agrobiodiversity 

  • Chair: Patrick Webb, ISPC Member, Professor of Nutrition, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University 
  • Ruth DeFries Professor of Ecology and Sustainable Development, Columbia University
  • Melinda Smale Professor of International Development, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University 
  • Marianne Bänziger Deputy Director General for Research and Partnership, CIMMYT 
  • John McDermott Director, CGIAR Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Program, IFPRI Panel 
  • Bhavani Shankar Professor of Agriculture, Food and Health, SOAS University of London Chris Surridge Chief Editor, Nature Plants
Interactions between intensifying livestock and aquaculture production for food and nutrition security, and: a) increased vulnerability to antimicrobial resistance and zoonoses; b) land use change 
  • Chair: Maggie Gill, ISPC Chair; Professor of Integrated Land Use, University of Aberdeen 
  • Jonathan Rushton Professor of Animal Health and Food Systems, University of Liverpool 
  • Mario Herrero Chief Research Scientist and Office of the Chief Executive Science Leader, CSIRO 
  • Delia Grace Program Leader Food Safety and Zoonoses, ILRI 
  • Marius Gilbert Head of Spatial Epidemiology Lab; FNRS Research Associate, Université Libre de Bruxelles  
  • Luciana Gallardo Lomeli Research Analyst, Global Restoration Initiative, WRI 
  • Boulanouar BouchaibPrincipal Livestock Officer, ADB
Strengthening the science-policy interface 
  • Chair: Karen Macours, SPIA Chair; Associate Professor at the Paris School of Economics and Researcher at INRA 
  •  Maggie Gill Presentation ISPC Chair; Professor of Integrated Land Use, University of Aberdeen 
  • Lindiwe Majele Sibanda Co-Chair of GACSA 
  • Purvi Mehta Deputy Director and Head of Asia for Agriculture, BMGF India Panel Ruben G. Echeverría Director General, CIAT 
  • Sara SavastanoDirector of Research and Impact Assessment Division, IFAD 
  • Bernard ReyHead of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union in South Africa

