Climate Change Mitigation and Poverty Reduction

  • 14th June 2016
  • by secretary

14 June 2016. Brussels. The aim of this policy workshop “CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION: TRADE-OFFS OR WIN-WIN SITUATIONS?” was to present and discuss the main findings of the CliMiP project and its policy implications.

In the aftermath of the Paris COP, the synergies and challenges linking climate change and development are becoming increasingly relevant. To date, this issue has been the most divisive within the UNFCCC, with struggles along a rift centring on ‘historical responsibilities’, the ‘right to emit’ and ‘fair global carbon shares’. More recently, however, both developed and developing countries have become aware of the need to jointly work for the implementation of effective strategies to tackle climate change without compromising future economic growth and poverty reduction priorities.

Extract of the agenda:

  • Jann Lay, GIGA and University of Göttingen Insights from the CLiMiP Project on Mitigation Efforts in Developing Countries
  • Kevin Urama, Senior Advisor to the President of the African Development Bank Opportunities and Barriers of Reconciling Climate Change Mitigation policy and Economic Development 

