Public-private partnerships in agriculture

  • 19th December 2017
  • by secretary
30 November 2017. The Hague, the Netherlands. Public-private partnerships can, and do, lead to transformational change. But usually they do not. PPPLab explored what it really takes to use PPPs for transformational change during the PPPLab Day.

How to stimulate change in the institutions and regulations that shape food and water systems, as well as transform how these institutions and the individuals in them work together? And what changes are needed to create deep, widespread public goods which harness sensible business approaches? These key questions form the basis for the day’s exploration.

  • What the heck is transformational change?: Simon Usher, former CEO Bonsucro the Global Sugarcane Platform
  • Re-thinking risk to finance boundary-pushing PPPs: Karel Nierop, Fund Manager, Triodos Investment Management
  • Do’s and don’ts in partnering with governments for transformational change: Charles Abugre of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) of the Government of Ghana. (View Profile Here)
  • Developing a sound scaling strategy for your PPP: Wouter van Vliet, Director Larive International
  • PPPs for sector transformation?: Jan Willem Molenaar, Senior Consultant Aidenvironment; Marja Thijssen & Gareth Borman, Integrated Seed Sector Development, Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation
  • Partnering for transformation: Wilma Roozenboom, Partnerships for Sustainable Development; Ricardo Bosshard, Director WWF Chile; Richard Piechocki, Sustainable Business Strategist at Rabobank

