• 28th August 2018
  • by secretary
29 August 2018. Webinar: Technologies and techniques for combating Fall Armyworm

27-29 August 2018. Durban (ICC), South Africa. BIO Africa Convention 2018

29-30 August 2018. Nairobi, Kenya. Global Landscapes Forum: Nairobi

30 – 31 August 2018. Gent-Zwijnaarde, Belgium. IPBO conference 2018: “Scientific innovation for a sustainable development of African agriculture”.

30-31 August 2018. Wageningen. The Netherlands. Towards Zero Hunger: Partnerships for Impact
4 September 2018: AFAAS Webinar Series Scaling up proven technologies and practices of postharvest management in Africa @ 12:00-14:00 GMT
5 – 6 September 2018. University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Congress FOOD2030 Towards Sustainable Food Systems

12 September 2018. Londen. Transforming Africa’s Agriculture Value Chains Through Mechanization

12 September 2018Webinar: the Feed the Future Learning Agenda

17-19 September 2018. Gent, Belgium. Tropen Tag Ghent 2018. Annual interdisciplinary conference on Research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development. Conference theme: Global food security and food safety: The role of universities
19-21 September 2018. Uppsala, Sweden. Engaging Africa Diaspora in Knowledge Transfer through Networking.

20-21 September, 2018, Nairobi-Kenya. 1st Africa Environment Partnership Platform (AEPP)
24 – 26 September 2018. Al-Azhar International Conference Centre, Cairo, Egypt. DATAD-R VIII workshop for Librarians, library IT support staff of University libraries and others. Register at https://www.research.net/r/DATEGY18 or email Edith Laari at elaari@aau.org
24-26 September 2018. Cape Town, South Africa. Africa Fertilizer Agribusiness Conference.
24-26 September 2018. Khartoum Sudan. 1 Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum (ISAF)
25-26 September 2018. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. CGIAR Gender Annual Scientific Conference
25-27 September 2018.  Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Innovations in Agriculture: Scaling Up Conference.

1-2 October 2018. Maritim Hotel, Cologne (Germany): Revolution in Food and Biomass Production; High-tech strategy for a sustainable biomass supply

2-4 October 2018 Dakar, Senegal. Third PACA Partnership Platform Meeting. Theme: “Scaling-up Country-led Approaches for Sustainable Aflatoxin Mitigation in Africa ”
3-4 October 2018. University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana. WACCI International Conference on Food and Nutrition Security in Africa.
4-7 October 2018. Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. AGROSYM 2018.
7-11 October 2018 in Berlin, Germany. IWCSPP 2018 – 12th International Working Conference for Stored Product Protection.
9-12 October 2018. Johannesburg, South Africa. Second African Congress on Conservation Agriculture
10-12 October 2018. Stellenbosch, South Africa. Science Forum 2018 (SF18)
16 October 2018. Brussels Begium. World Food Day at the European Parliament. On the occasion of World Food Day 2018,FAO and the European Commission will organize an event hosted by the MEP Mr. Paolo De Castro at the European Parliament. The registration link will be provided early September. This event will consist of a two-hour debate preceded by a networking lunch. It will provide feedback and build on the findings of the recent 2nd FOOD 2030 High Level Event that took place in Plovdiv under the auspices of the Bulgarian Presidency from 14-15 June 2018.

16 – 17 October 2018. Nairobi. Nutrition Africa Investor Forum. The Forum is being organised by The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in partnership with Royal DSM and the SUN Business Network.

24 – 26 September 2018. Al-Azhar International Conference Centre, Egypt. DATAD-R VIII workshop. ‘’The workshop is to strengthen the capacity of African University Libraries to manage and disseminate the research output from their faculty and students widely for greater impact.  It will afford an opportunity for participants to share their experience and learn about new trends in electronic content management.’’

24-25 October 2018. Accra, Ghana. 2018 GLOBELICS International Conference.
7 – 9 November 2018.  Esterhazy Palace, Eisenstadt, Austria. 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS)

22-23 November 2018. Salvador, Bahia/Brazil. 6th Brazil Africa Forum. Youth Empowerment: Transformation to Achieve Sustainable Transformation
26 – 30 novembre 2018. Dakar, Senegal. International workshop on the dairy value chain in Africa

30 November- 4 December 2018: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. APIMONDIA SYMPOSIUM 2018; Role of Bees in Food Production.

2-7 December. 2018. Khartoum, Sudan. Young Scientists Conference. Genomics and Human Health in Africa

10-12 December 2018. Center of Congress Rennes, France. DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress ‘Cultivating Diversity and Food Quality’

10-12 January 2019International Conference on Aquatic Resource and Aquaculture for Sustainable Development, ICAR-AQUAS-2019.

12-14 February, 2019 Arusha, Tanzania. ECHO East Africa Biannual Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and Appropriate Technologies

25-29 March 2019Washington, DC, USA, at World Bank headquarters. 20th Annual Conference on Land and Poverty.

30 April – 3 May 2019. Kampala, Uganda ICT4D Conference

