Financing Start-ups to Build Tomorrow’s African Economies

  • 19th June 2018
  • by secretary
May 2018. 52 pages

Devoting an issue of Private Sector and Development to venture capital and the world of start-ups in Africa means looking at a booming market, understanding the main components and discussing the potential negative externalities which can stem from this. Consequently, this report gives a voice to experts and avid players, who tell us about their experience. 

When reading the articles in this issue, the common thread is that development finance institutions (DFIs), which include Proparco, undoubtedly have a crucial role to play. For Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group, this involves a complementarity of operations. Thanks to the work conducted upstream by AFD to establish an ecosystem conducive to the emergence of start-ups (through the creation of incubators, accelerators, etc.), Proparco, for its part, can actively participate in financing these future “tech” champions in Africa.

