CAADP Development Partners Coordination Group (DPCG)

  • 10th March 2017
  • by secretary

9 – 10 March 2017. Bonn, Germany. BMZ and USAID hosted a meeting of the CAADP Development Partners Coordination Group (DPCG). A primary outcome of the meeting for DPCG members eas the identification of 3-4 priority objectives and work streams covering the forthcoming year. Additionally, the meeting was an opportunity to hear from the AUC/NPCA on their updated business plan and progress toward the 2018 biennial review, on-going NAIP reviews and technical network formation.



  • Presentation of the progress in “Seize the Moment” – Securing Africa’sRise through Agricultural Transformation Boaz Keiziere, AGRA Head of Policy and Advocacy
    This campaign is owned and driven by African countries Heads of State and Government and four regional institutions: the African Union Commission, AUC-DREA and NEPAD, the African Development Bank and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). The campaign brings together a cross-section of national, regional and global stakeholders including: farmers groups, public and private sectors, agriculture research institutions, civil society organisations and development partners. 
  • New Grow Africa Strategy – Jim Riordan Head of Grow Africa Operations
  • Private Sector Engagement and CAP-F Update – Ernest Ruzindaza AUC Director  and

    Augustin Wambo Yamdjeu NPCA Head of CAADP
    The CAADP Results Framework 2015-2025 places emphasis on the role of the private sector as a central catalyst and driver of inclusive agribusiness development for sustainable agricultural growth. The framework is further underpinned by a strong commitment to realise improved African agriculture performance through increased private sector investment along the continent’s agricultural value chains.


Integration of agriculture sectors in the National Adaptation Plans (NAP)

  • Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag) is a multi-year Programme funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) through its International Climate Initiative (ICI).
  • It supports partner countries under a country-driven process to identify and address climate change adaptation measures for the agriculture sectors in relevant national planning and budgeting processes through the formulation and implementation of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

Video interviews from three African countries highlight the focus areas, gaps and needs as well as the priority that the NAP process has to ensure food security, livelihoods and sustainable development:

These and other videos are available on the YouTube playlist Climate change adaptation in agriculture.

