Mekelle University’s 1st Conference on Women in Science

  • 18th April 2017
  • by secretary

10-12 April 2017. Mekelle. First International Conference on Women in Science, Innovation and Development. This 3-day conference celebrated the capacities and achievements of Ethiopian women in Ethiopia and abroad, ranging from women innovators in agriculture to leading women politicians. Among the participants was a high number of female students and staff from Mekelle and numerous other universities in Ethiopia and Sudan, who are now newly or more strongly linked for future collaboration in promoting gender equality in science, innovation and development.

First plenary session on Women in Science and Innovation
Dr. Judith Francis (Senior Program Coordinator, CTA
and executive secretary of EFARD
Dr. Ann Waters Bayer (Rural Development:
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)
Dr. Wanjiru KamauRutenberg (Director of African Women
in Agricultural Research and Development/AWARD),
Dr. Aster Gebrekirstos (ICRAF),
and Prof. Fetien Abay (Vice President for Research
and Community Services: Mekelle University)

All the keynote speakers were women and almost all the presentations by young scientists were women. The large organising team consisted of both female and male staff of the university. Most of the booths at the marketplace for exhibits of innovation and enterprise in Tigray Region of Ethiopia were “manned” by women.

The conference was held in the new Mitiku Haile Hall, named after the founding President of Mekelle University and the co-coordinator of the ISWC work in Ethiopia, which started the university’s collaboration with female farmers innovating in Tigray Region. Mitiku chaired the first day of the conference.

Two members of the Prolinnova International Support Team were invited to join the conference – Chesha Wettasinha, who is currently coordinating a study of gender issues in local innovation and farmer-led participatory innovation development within the Prolinnova network, and myself, who gave a presentation on “Women in transdisciplinary research: interacting with citizen’s science and innovation”.

