Recordings of Webinars on the impact of COVID-19 on Food Systems

  • 27th April 2020
  • by secretary

26 March. The Impact of COVID-19 on ARD and Food Security. Organised by CIMMYT/Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) Working Group of the Scaling Up Community of Practice (CoP).

2 April. COVID-19, food systems, and interaction with malnutrition. Organised by the Ad2Nut community and A4NH/IFPRI.

2 April. COVID19. On-site measures for agricultural/forestry companies and sustainable landscapes operators. Including summary report in English, French and Spanish.

9, 14, 16 April. Post-COVID-19: Implications for International (Development) Cooperation (parts 1, 2, 3). Organised by UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC).

14, 15 April. Impact of current COVID-19 Crisis on the African financial sector. Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A) hosted two webinars on the impact of current health crisis on the African financial sector” in French and in English

WEBINAR. The Impact of COVID-19 on Water Resources

15 April. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Food Systems in the Eastern and Southern African Region. Organised by FANRPAN and the Graça Machel Trust (GMT) in conjunction with its African Women in Agribusiness Network. No recording available. Including 3 PPTs.

17 April – 21 May. International exchanges on post Covid-19 food systems. Webinar cycle in PORTUGUESE

21 April. Coronavirus and Its Impact on the SDGs. Hosted by the International Association for Volunteer Effort.

21 April. Protecting civilians from conflict induced hunger. Organised by the UN Security Council with Qu Dongyu, DG FAO; David Beasley, ED WFP; Jan Egeland, SC Norwegian Refugee Council.

22 April. COVID-19 and the risk to food supply chains: How to respond?  First FAO Brussels Dialogues. Máximo Torero FAO Chief Economist; Paolo De Castro European Parliament; Leonardo Mizzi, Head of Unit at EC, DEVCO. Includes the oral presentation. Including PPT of Torero. Report of this webinar forthcoming: questions left unanswered. Including Webinar of Food Tank with Torero.

22 April.  Africa: Confronting COVID-19. Co-hosted by ICAP at Columbia University and the Columbia Global Centers in Nairobi and Tunis.

22 April.  COVID-19. How Are Environmental and Health Crises Linked? Earth Day 2020. Including Webinar 07/04 on Learning from COVID-19 to fight climate change.

22 April 2020. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains. Including the summary report (6 pages) of the webinar

23 April 2020. How agricultural/forestry companies and landscapes operators in Africa are responding to COVID19 Organised by IDH, FMO, Proparco and Mirova. The NASIRA financial program receives €25 million top-up from the European Fund for Sustainable Development

24 April. Avoiding a Looming Food Crisis. Hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Presentations by Gilbert Houngbo, President, International Fund for Agriculture and Development; Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, CEO, African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD). Includes the recording of the webinar on “Global Food Security Challenges in the Era of COVID-19”with Sara Menker of Gro Intelligence.

28 April. Making agriculture and food systems nutrition-sensitive FAO, Agreenium and UN-ESCAP 

28 April. Making agriculture and food systems nutrition-sensitive FAO, Agreenium and UN-ESCAP @ 1:30 – 15:00 GMT
28 April. COVID-19 – Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) Response in Support of the African Financial Sector. Organised by Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A) @ 1:00 pm GMT | 9:00 

30 April. COVID-19: Emerging problems and potential country-level responses Organised by IFPRI @ 2:00 pm GMT

5 May. (tentatively). The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains. VCB-N WEBINAR 2: – What we can do to mitigate the impact! – From a finance and corporate perspective:

1-3 July. CORONAVIRUS: the management of pandemic and the impact on Agenda 2030.

28 April. COVID-19 – Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) Response in Support of the African Financial Sector. Organised by Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A) @ 1:00 pm GMT | 9:00 am New York | 4:00 pm Nairobi

5 May. (tentatively). The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains. VCB-N WEBINAR 2: – What we can do to mitigate the impact! – From a finance and corporate perspective

1-3 July. CORONAVIRUS: the management of pandemic and the impact on Agenda 2030.