Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism

  • 14th November 2017
  • by secretary

 8–9 November 2017. Brussels, Belgium. The 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP) was organised by VSF-Belgium.

The agenda discussed past activities and defining new ones, sharing with each other on pastoralism in Eastern Africa and becoming better informed about European institutions relevant for pastoralism in this region. 

It also included a visit to the European Parliament and a working session (briefing) with representatives from the European Commission.

Presentation of participants and their work on pastoralism in Eastern Africa: European member organisation and Eastern African partner organisations

Abdirahman And Abdullahi  NGO IDURUS Ethiopia
Arasio Raphael German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (DITSL), Germany/University of Nairobi, Kenya
Bayer Wolfgang Agrecol Germany
Benda Cecilia Concern Worldwide
Braus Antonia VSF Germany 
Dilthey Petra up4change e.V.  Germany
Dorlöchter-Sulser Sabine MISEREOR  Germany
Eldouma Salah SOS Sahel
Goris Wim AgriProFocus the Netherlands
Hesse Ced IIED UK
Kaufmann Brigitte German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (DITSL), Germany
Lelea Margareta German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (DITSL), Germany
Loof Margot Cordaid the Netherlands
Muciri Vivian Assistance mission for Africa (AMA) South Sudan
Noor Abdulkadir Mah Partnership for Pastoral Development Association Ethiopia
Otieno Peter Ken RECONCILE, Kenya 
Porokwa Edward PINGOS FORUM Tanzania
Rose Genevieve International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) Denmark 
Schwarz Uli up4change e.V.  Germany
Stepman Francois Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development Belgium
te Pas Caroline SNV the Netherlands
Tiruneh Tezera Getahun Pastoralist Forum Ethiopia 
Van Troos Koen VSF-Belgium/CELEP Focal point Belgium
Waters Ann Agrecol Germany
Wolde Wendessen Partner to Rural Development Ethiopia

    Related PAEPARD activity:
    The East Africa farmers’ federation (EAFF) together with its consortium partners in the PAEPARD program organized a continental multi stakeholder research question development workshop around the federating theme “Extensive livestock value chain” to:

    • Validate the federating theme of the Extensive value chain , the desk review and the document of strategy produced; 
    • Identify and/or refine research questions for the development of the livestock that were identified during the study that was conducted. 
    • Identify potential partnerships that can be formed to address gaps identified in the extensive livestock value chain 
    • Identify the Terms of Reference for platform and core group to take up the research question that is proritized forward
      • The situation analysis revealed that livestock production and productivity in tha agro-pastoral and pastoral systems of Eastern Africa is constrained by a number of factors including effects of the climate change and climate variability which translate into frequent droughts and floods and bears heavily on pasture and water stress as well as on pests and diseases that compromise livestock production. 
      • Other constraints to livestock production in the target production systems include limited extension services, cattle rustling, limited access to financial services and insurance facilities, corroding of traditional institutions and coping mechanisms, and loss of common property resources. 
      • On the processing side, poor value addition practices and generalized lack of know-how, inadequate infrastructures at slaughter houses with lack of minimum facilities such as drainage facilities and waste disposal and unhygienic practices except in towns, poor hygiene in handling meat and other livestock products such as inappropriate containers during products transport exposing them to hazardous contamination or inefficient institutions for enforcement of regulations are major characteristics of the processing segment of the value chain. Other important constraints include limited investment by the private sector in the area due to limited financial facilities and lack of incentives from governments.
      • Numerous constraints were identified refraining access to market and exploiting market opportunities in agro-pastoral and pastoral systems. These include poor infrastructures ( roads, holding grounds, water, dipping facilities, veterinary services), limited access to market information, high cost of inputs, multiple taxes, inappropriate tax incentives, poor handling and post harvest facilities, failure to comply with standards and sanitary regulations, loss of market value during droughts, inefficient institutions to enforce regulations (e.g. market distortions and low prices offers).

