Seminar for Food and Nutrition Security Coordination of the EU Delegations

  • 13th November 2018
  • by secretary
5 to 9 November 2018. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Seminar for Food and Nutrition Security Coordination of the EU Delegations in Eastern and Southern Africa (CODESA)

“Capitalising on experiences and lessons learned and looking forward to the next programming cycle”.

Extracts of the programme

  • “Agriculture, food ad Jobs: the future of rural youth” Alexandre Kolev (HoU – Social Cohesion OECD 
  • “Tracking Progress in the Implementation of AU’s Agricultural Transformation Agenda” Ernest Ruzindaza and SImplice Nouala.(AU) 
  • “The transformative potential of the agrifood sector” Francesco Rampa (ECDPM) 
  • “The contribution of the Agri-food Sector to Rural Transformation and sustainable growth” Khalid Bomba, (Agricultural Transformation Agency Ethiopia) 
  • “Conditions to invests in agricultural value chains; an investor perspective” Tigist ARAYA (East Africa Gate) 
  • “Applying science in development: Where do we stand with DESIRA?” Patrick Herlant (C1) 
  • “Knowledge & Innovation Systems for achieving Malabo Targets: the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa” Irene Annor Frempong (FARA) 
  • “Ex-ante Impact Analysis of Policies on the Farming Sector and Food Security” Sergio Gomez y Paloma (JRC-SEVILLA) 
  • eProd “Building trust in the Value Chain” by Jan Willem Van Casteren
  • Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) “Innovation that leads to inclusive and sustainable development – Role of Farmer organisations” by Stephen Muchiri
Country specific

  • Ethiopia:“Contract farming to serve agro industry – Brassicol malt” GMS, Leslie Goussault (GMS Ethiopia) 
  • Ethiopia: “Sector trends and challenges in the Horn of Africa Countries” by Dominique Davoux 
  • Ethiopia: “Ethiopia – Access to Nutrition Services” by Pierre-Luc Vanhaeverbeke
  • Ethiopia: “Innovative approaches to gender in development” by Immaculada Guixe-Ancho
  • Madagascar: “Industrial, commercial and household farming: the rich vs the poor? Poverty reduction, human development, really?” by Olivier Machiels
  • Malawi: “KULIMA program: Access to quality extension services as a way for effective transformation of agriculture” by Jean-Pierre Busogoro
  • Somalia: “Evolving approaches to resilience in an evolving fragile context” by Pauline Gibourdel 
  • Swaziland: “The Case of High Value Crop and Horticulture Project in Swaziland” by Bhekani Magongo
  • Tanzania: “Achieving equitable outcomes with nutrition specific and sensitive activities: Challenges in semi-arid regions in Tanzania” by Liesl Inglis 
  • Uganda: “Building resilience in Uganda: the value chain approach and the Nexus Action Plan” by Céline Lhoste & Jacqueline Uwamwiza
  • Zimbabwe: “Inclusiveness and growth through Performant Value Chains” by Alice Peslin

