Nutrition-sensitive food systems: from concepts to practice

  • 15th May 2017
  • by secretary
15 May 2017. Brussels. Infopoint Lunchtime Conference: “Nutrition-sensitive food systems: from concepts to practice: Resources for developing capacities of policy and programme planners”.

The European Commission is a key supporter of efforts to scale up nutrition efforts at global and country levels, especially through its investments in agriculture and rural development. Developing capacities of policy and programme planners in nutrition-sensitive approaches is essential to make these efforts sustainable. FAO will present innovative resources, prepared with support from the EU, World Bank and German government.

  • Introduction: Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit, DEVCO C.1 – Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security
  • Cristina Amaral, Director, FAO liaison office with the European Union and Belgium
  • Charlotte Dufour, FAO Nutrition policy and programme officer
  • Domitille Kauffmann, FAO Nutrition and resilience and capacity development advisor
FAO developed e- learning courses for professionals working in food and nutrition security, social and economic development and sustainable management of natural resources. It provides learners with free access to content that can interest them and support them in their job. The courses cover a wealth of topics of global interest. They offer content for self-pace learning as well as materials for trainers and references to existing bibliography and online resources.

Select a course:

Improving Nutrition through Agriculture and Food Systems

This course illustrates the linkages between agriculture, food systems and nutrition. Starting from two realistic scenarios, the course describes benefits and opportunities for integrating nutrition into food system policies, investments and programmes. It also provides a series of examples of nutrition-sensitive policies and interventions, as well as an overview of the main initiatives and commitment on nutrition on which learners can build to integrate nutrition in their work.
Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods: Basic concepts

This short 35-minute module addresses the basic terms and concepts relating to food and nutrition, malnutrition, food security and livelihoods. By the end of this module, you will be able to define and differentiate these key concepts and understand the different situations that they encompass. Understanding these concepts is indeed very important in order to be able to assess the nutrition situation, to design and implement programmes, investments and policies that address nutrition problems (also called “nutrition-sensitive”), and to evaluate the nutritional outcomes of programmes, investments and policies.

This interactive course is a self-training tool. It guides you through the simulation of a workshop process in the fictional country of Namambar. You will learn how to use a methodology based on malnutrition problem-and-solution trees to support joint planning for combating food insecurity and malnutrition. Through this course, you will also improve your understanding of the multisectoral causes of malnutrition, and gain new facilitation skills for successful participatory workshops. 
Food Composition Data
The FAO/INFOODS e-Learning Course on Food Composition Data will contribute to close the knowledge gap on food composition of nutritionists and all those generating, compiling or using food composition data. The course aims at making learners aware of all important issues; nevertheless the course cannot provide the necessary experience to become a full-fledged food composition expert. This will only come with experience and when actually working with food composition data. However, if most nutritionists and professionals working with food composition data acquired the knowledge of this course, it would make a great difference in data quality, availability and use.
Nutritional Status Assessment and Analysis

This course covers the basic concepts of malnutrition, describes how nutritional status is assessed, and identifies the most commonly used nutrition indicators, as well as the criteria to be used when selecting the indicators in specific contexts and situations.

