Knowledge for Development. Global Partnership Conference 2017

  • 04th April 2017
  • by secretary

3-4 April 2017. Geneva, Palais des Nations. The Global Knowledge for Development (K4D) Conference was aimed at the review and advancement of knowledge management practices in the field of sustainable development and presenting a new agenda to strengthen knowledge societies and economies for development.

The Conference provided insights in current practices and explore future developments in the use of knowledge management in the area of development. Knowledge is at the heart of global development. It is the critical resource for development organizations to work and collaborate successfully as well as for communities, cities, nations and regions to create wealth, quality of living, peace and sustainability. Knowledge is an essential, overarching element for the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, and therefore requires the world´s full attention.

Programme: download
Agenda Knowledge for Development and 73 Statements: download
Report of the Joint Inspection Unit of the UN: KM in the United Nations System: download
Knowledge for Development Partnership Declaration: download

The first day introduced two flagship documents:

  1. Launching of the JIU Report on Knowledge Management in the United Nations system (JIU/REP/2016/10), by Dr. Petru Dumitriu, Inspector, Joint Inspection Unit
  2. Presentation of the Agenda Knowledge for Development by Dr. Andreas Brandner, KMA
During the second day in Session 5 a multi stakeholder perspective was presented and in session 6, some best practices:

Extract Session 5: a multi stakeholder perspective to knowledge management
Mary Suzan Abbo, Managing Director of CREEC, K4Dev in Uganda. The Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) from Uganda is working in four focal areas: Bioenergy, Solar PV, Pico-hydro and Energy management.

Extracts Session 6: Presentation of good practices in cross-sectoral knowledge management 
(Moderators: Andreas Brandner and Sarah Cummings)
  • Florian Bauer, Chief Knowledge Officer of REEEP, Climate Knowledge Brokers Group
  • Enrica Pellacani and Ahmad Baihaki, Capacity for Development, European Commission
  • Richard Bryan-Cox, Administrator of the capacity-building market place, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (for his presentation click here)
  • Neil Pakenham-Walsh, Chair of the Dgroups Foundation

