The African Diaspora Professionals and Business Network Project

  • 05th January 2018
  • by secretary

11-13 December 2017. Brussels. AU-CIDO, ADEPT, GIZ and AFFORD organised a workshop on Establishing a Diaspora Business Network.

The African Diaspora Professionals and Business Network Project is designed to establish an official AU-affiliated Business and Professional Network composed of leading African diaspora entrepreneurs and professionals in Europe.

The workshop brought together diaspora entrepreneurs and investors, as well as representatives of African governments, Chambers of Commerce, and Regional Economic Commissions (RECs) to discuss key issues, challenges and opportunities in setting up such a networks.

The aim of this event was to discuss needs and priorities for diaspora entrepreneurs and investors in establishing such a network, as well as to hear perspectives from RECs in Africa, and practical steps for establishing such a network.

See also some video coverage on twitter

The Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform (ADEPT) enhances the development impact of African Diaspora Development Organisations (ADDOs) in Europe by providing an inclusive, interactive and informative space.

ADEPT believes that through the sharing of professional expertise and experiences, ADDOs will enhance their capabilities, as they operate at the heart of migration and development policy and practice.

ADEPT’s core services to diaspora organisations and individuals in Europe and Africa are:

  • Providing training and guidance
  • Producing directories and databases
  • Showcasing best practices
  • Disseminating information and announcements
  • Undertaking action research
  • Facilitating networking and partnerships
  • Conducting consultations and joint positions
  • Policy representations and negotiations
  • Positive images and representation of Africa

The ADEPT project runs from 2014 to 2017 as a transition to establish a permanent platform based in Brussels. Funding of 3.2 Million Euros is provided by the European Union (2.2 Million Euros) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (1 Million Euros) and the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). The project is implemented by the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD).

