AFAAS Webinar: Bringing Postharvest management solutions to scale

  • 11th June 2018
  • by secretary
5 June 2018. The AFAAS webinar series on Postharvest Management (PHM) started in 2017, and continues this year (2018) under the theme “Scaling up proven technologies and practices of postharvest management in Africa”.

This first 2018 webinar with Raphael Dischl from Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation was an opportunity to exchange and discuss with you on your experiences on; awareness creation and, private sector engagement and financing for PHM. About 15 countries were represented by close to 40 participants.

PHM Webinar Raphael 5June2018 – v2.pdf
PHM Webinar Angela 5June2018 – v2 (2).pdf
PHM Webinar 5th June 2018 – CHAT.pdf

The PHM-SSA project is being implemented by a consortium including Helvetas, AFAAS, Food and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) and AGRIDEA in Mozambique and Benin. The project aims to improve food security of smallholder men and women farmers in SSA through reduction of postharvest losses of food crops (grains and pulses) with a market system approach. The project draws lessons and experiences from the implementing countries that are shared at the continental level. A similar project, Grain Postharvest Loss Prevention Project (GPLP) is being implemented in Tanzania. The projects are funded by the Swiss Agency for International Development and Cooperation (SDC).

