CBA12: Local experience driving climate action

  • 14th June 2018
  • by secretary

The CBA12 event was being organised by IIED in partnership with the Climate Justice Resilience Fund, GIZ, the Global Resilience Partnership, the International Development Research Centre, Irish Aid and Practical Action.

The CBA12 programme inluded two days of workshops, followed by two days of multi-stakeholder dialogues.

Days one and two brought practitioners together under three workstreams:

  1. Transforming ‘lived experience’ and local knowledge into evidence that drives better policies and investments
  2. Building a shared understanding of effective devolved climate finance, and
  3. Innovating in applying adaptation technology.

Policymakers and investors joined the multi-stakeholder dialogues on days three and four to discuss: how to propose and plan locally-driven climate investments; the enabling environment needed for scaling-out and up; and ways to further strengthen the community of practice.

On day four the UNFCCC and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group convened the Regional National Adaptation Plans (NAP) Expo as part of CBA12. This follows the Regional NAP Expo programme at CBA11 (PDF), and the workshop explored issues including how well locally-driven climate action is working within NAPs.

See further: CBA12: Daily updates

Related: Guideline – Assessing Climate Risks and Vulnerabilities in Market Systems seeks to orientate and support practitioners by bringing a climate risk perspective into market system development projects and identifying the most climate-resilient sub-sectors in a given context.

 In its applications in Nepal and Madagascar, the Guideline proved to effectively support the shift from reaction to proactively addressing climate variability and supporting changes in market systems. It also allows identifying new opportunities in a changing climate.

The Guideline helps (small-scale) businesses in better understanding climate risks and opportunities in their sub-sector, identifying emerging market opportunities and developing a comprehensive climate risk management approach for the enterprise. 

The overall objective of the Guideline is to identify the most climate-resilient sub-sectors in a given context and to determine potential impacts and relevant measures in the field of adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management to further increase resilience in the market system.

The Guideline combines two approaches: 

  1. the adaptation process and 
  2. the market system development approach. 

The joint approach leads to a series of eight steps, structured according to MODULE A and MODULE B. In short, the Guideline is not a new tool, but builds on existing approaches (i.e. risk assessment tools such as the Community-based Risk Screening Tool, Adaptation and Livelihoods – CRiSTAL; the Climate, Environment Disaster Risk Integration Guidance – CEDRIG; and approaches related to market systems development).

