The Fusarium Laboratory Workshop

  • 11th July 2017
  • by secretary

25-30 June 2017. Kansas City, MO, USA. The Fusarium Laboratory Workshop was taught by
international Fusarium experts. Participants are introduced to standard morphological, genetic and molecular biological techniques used to identify and characterize strains of Fusarium.

Participants learned to use morphological characters to identify the most common Fusarium species, how to make tests for vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) and cross-fertility, and how to extract, PCR amplify DNA, and analyze DNA sequences. More than half of the time will be spent in the laboratory working with standard strains. Students may bring some of their own strains (please contact Dr. Leslie to arrange for proper USDA permits).

Topics covered in this workshop included:

  • Laboratory Strain Identification
  • Molecular Identification
  • Species Concepts
  • Mating Types and Crosses
  • VCG Analysis
  • Strain Preservation
  • Mycotoxins

