Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA)

  • 10th October 2016
  • by secretary

29-30 September 2016. Marrakech. Around 20 African ministers, alongside representatives from various international institutions, as well as scientists and experts, attended a High Level meeting ahead of the upcoming COP22 negotiations ( which will be held in Marrakech from November 7th-18th). The main purpose of the meeting was to formulate a committee for the initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA) to climate change. Nearly all African states were represented, including the host nation.

Recognising that various changes are needed in terms of African agriculture, the Ministers of Agriculture, as well as Heads of Delegations, amongst other participants have committed developed countries to mobilising at least 100 billion US dollars per year to developing countries, in terms of agricultural aid.

The initiative was launched in April 2016. African states found that Africa, Agriculture and Adaptation were not major features in international negotiations and therefore this initiative was born in order to change this.Participants recognised the vulnerability of Africa’s agriculture, in the face of climate change and global warming. The meeting acknowledged that various African states have insufficient funds in order to adapt their agricultural methods in order to sustain productivity.

The meeting concluded in support of the initiative in favour of the Adaptation of African Agriculture declaring:

  1. To support the principle of a higher, more efficient and more effective climate funding, both in private and public spheres.
  2. To contribute to the action and solutions in the Global Climate Action Agenda by emphasising various projects and practice in Africa.
  3. To place agriculture at the centre of negotiations, by pushing for sustainable agricultural productivity and the adaptation of agricultural practice.
  4. To work to reinforce African capacities, in terms of programs and policies and manage climate-resilient sustainable projects.

