New Ag International Conference

  • 22nd March 2018
  • by secretary

19-23 March 2018. Nairobi. Delegates from over 60 countries met with exhibitors from leading companies from every corner of the world, to consolidate or acquire knowledge on the latest trends in plant nutrition, plant protection, irrigation, fertigation, foliar spraying, greenhouse technology, precision agriculture and support systems.

19-20 March 2018. Extracts of the programme Biocontrol Africa conference.

  • Dr. Henri Wainwright, General Manager, Real IPM!Biobest Group (Kenya) The Past, Present and Future of Biocontrol in Africa 
  • Dr. Maaike Perneel, Business Developer Biostimulants and Biocontrol Agents, Ghent University (Belgium) – CROPFITA: Research Network at Ghent University Discovered a Pseuclomonas Biocontrol Strain Against Important Plant Pathogens in the Tropics See picture
  • Dr. Michael Braverman, Manager Biopesticide Programme, IR·4, Rutgers University (USA) · Biopestides in Capacity Building Programs, Aflatoxin Management and Pesticide Residue Mitigaton in Africa 
  • Dr. Ulrich Kuhlmann, Executive Director, Global Operations, CABI (Switzerland)

    Biopesticides Portal · an Online Tool that Facilitates the Identification, Sourcing and Application of Biological Control Products See picture

  • Mr. Deepak Sighal, President · International Business, lnternat;onal Panaoceo Ltd (lndia) – Integrated Crop Management using Biologicals: Learnings from Successful lndia Experience and Relevance for Africa

11-23 March 2018. Extracts of the New Ag International Conference programme

  • The Dynamics of Agribusiness Partnerships in Sub Saharan Africa and the Role of AFAP in Strengthening them, Mr. Joseph Mwangangi, Agribusiness Advisor, African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP), (South Africa)
  • The Importance of Micronutrients in Sub-Saharan Africa, Dr. Shamie Zingore, Director, Sub-Saharan Africa, International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), (Kenya) See picture
  • Hidden Hunger in Africa and Biofortification of Food Crops with Micronutrients, Prof. Ismail Cakmak, Sabanci University, (Turkey)  See picture
  • Are Bio-Fertilizers a Viable Option for Intensifying Smallholder Farming Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa?, Dr. Bernard Vanlauwe, Professor, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), (Kenya) 
  • Biofertilizers: Boosting Crop Productivity in a Neutral Land Degradation World, Mr. Werner van der Nest – National Sales Manager, ASFERTGLOBAL (South Africa)   
  • Biostimulants: Key Enabling Technology for Sustainable Agriculture in Africa, Ms. Kristen Sukalac, Consulting Partner, European Biostimulants Industry Council (EBIC), (Belgium) 
  • A Conceptual Framework for Delivering Improved Crop Nutrition to Smallholder Farmers in Africa, Dr. John Wendt, Deputy Director, Field Research, IFDC, (Kenya) 

