Workshop on “Agricultural Research for Development” in Spain

  • 30th March 2017
  • by secretary
22-23 March 2017. Madrid. II Congreso de Investigación Agraria para el Desarrollo (IApD). Zero
hunger and sustainable food: challenges of Agricultural Research for Development (ARD).

Extracts of the programme:

  • Research/ innovation experiences of Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). Priscila Henríquez, IICA.
  • European support for ARD: programs and actions. Helena Gómez, Macpherson CSIC- CICA.
  • ARD in Spanish cooperation: specially in sub- Saharan Africa. Gabriel Cremades y Ana Regina Segura, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID
  • University international development cooperation observatory and ARD networking (ARD network). Carlos Gregorio Hernández Diaz-Ambrona ITDUPM.
  • Transferring successful ARD results. FAO

Round table: “SDG and ARD: sectoral challenges”

  • Hunger Zero and sustainable food. Kattya Cascante, UCM.
  • Water and energy. Diego Intrigiolo. CSIC.
  • Climate change and biodiversity. Margarita Ruiz Ramos, UPM.
  • Rural development. Rosa Gallardo, Universidad de Córdoba.

Thematic workshops:
“What are we researching about ARD and what should we?”

  • Hunger Zero and sustainable food. Moderated by Kattya Cascante, UCM
  • Water and energy. Moderated by Luciano Mateos, UCO.
  • Climate change and biodiversity. Margarita Ruiz Ramos, UPM.
  • Rural development. Rosa Gallardo, Universidad de Córdoba.

Closing: Bernard Rey, Food security, rural development, nutrition. DG DEVCO European Commission.

