Theory of Scaling in the context of agrifood systems

  • 03rd February 2017
  • by secretary
Using a Theory of Scaling to guide decision making. Towards a structured approach to support responsible scaling of innovations in the context of agrifood systems.

Wigboldus S, with Brouwers J (December 2016). 

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (CDI), Knowledge, Technology and
Innovation Group (KTI), and Philosophy Group (PHI) of Wageningen University and

This booklet is part of a series of legacy products of the CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics (Humidtropics). It structures key findings from earlier research towards an approach that connects a theory of change perspective specifically to the question of ‘how scaling happens’.

By doing so, it offers a way of thinking systemically and systematically about how scaling happens and could happen in the context of agrifood systems. Over the years, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) became so important that M&E experts were trained to support related processes. Scaling processes are both considered extremely important in the context of agrifood system innovation and relate to a multifaceted picture of dimensions and dynamics. Maybe it is therefore time to start training experts in the field of responsible scaling to advise and support scaling initiatives. If so, this booklet may provide initial ideas on how to strengthen capacity in this field through a curriculum along the lines of a Theory of Scaling.

