Webinar Agricultural Information Data Providers

  • 20th April 2018
  • by secretary
17 April 2018This webinar introduced AGRIS (the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology), a global public domain database with more than 9 million structured bibliographical records on agricultural science and technology.

AGRIS covers the wide range of subjects related to agriculture science and technology, including forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences and fisheries, human nutrition, and extension.

Its content includes theses, conference papers, government publications, unique grey literature such as unpublished scientific and technical reports, etc. Since 1975, AGRIS is maintained by the FAO to serve users from developed and developing countries through facilitating access to available knowledge in agriculture, science and technology. Following toics were covered

  • What is AGRIS?
  • What type of content is acceptable in AGRIS?
  • What are the benefits of contributing content to AGRIS?
  • What type of files and fields should be included when submitting content to AGRIS?
  • Copyright of documents donated to AGRIS (who owns the copyright)
  • Visibility, linkages (such as Google Scholar)
  • Statistics and impact of AGRIS

