A strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation

  • 28th January 2016
  • by secretary
strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation agrinatura

26-28/01/2016. Designing the path: a strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation

The objectives of the conference were to:

  • present the main elements of a long-term strategy for EU agricultural research and innovation;
  • discuss its content, in particular several dimensions of the manner it could be implemented.
Extract of the programme:

Parallel session 1 – Adopting a systems approach across farms, value chains and territories
This video will be accessible through this link for two years

Objectives: Illustrate how to embed research activities in systemic approaches, systems being understood at various levels (farms working collectively, landscapes or ecosystems, food systems, territories, circular economy) based on examples referring to strategy priorities.

Chair: Tim Benton, United-Kingdom Global Food Security programme
Rapporteur: Marta Perez Soba, Alterra


  1. Unlocking the agricultural system: the example of agroecological research and innovation systems – Philippe Baret, Université Catholique de Louvain
  2. A systems view on below and above ground interactions in agriculture: small organisms driving big innovations – Katarina Hedlund, Lund University
  3. Agroforestry systems: complexity underpinning multiple benefits from the farm to the landscape – Paul Burgess, Cranfield University (project AGFORWARD)
  4. Putting the farm in the context of its territory and value chain – Hugues Vernier, Biovallée, Contrat de Développement Durable Rhône-Alpes
  5. What role for consumers and consumer involvement in food production? Demand as a driver of sustainable and competitive farming systems and value chains – Moya Kneafsey, Coventry University

Discussion with the audience.

Parallel session 4 – The global dimension: fostering the contribution of EU research and innovation towards global challenges through multi-lateral cooperation

Webstreaming: This video will be accessible through this link for two years

Objectives: Discuss how the external dimension of the agriculture research and innovation strategy can be implemented, for instance how to foster efficiency at global level on the basis of examples of approaches which could be used in future programming, how to integrate global frameworks on development or food security or climate.

Chair: Mark Holderness, Executive Secretary of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)
Rapporteur: Jimmy Smith, International Livestock Research Institute


  1. What could be the contribution of the Strategy to cooperation with Africa – The point of view of FARA – Yemi Akinbamijo, Executive Director of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)
  2. Outcome of SCAR ARCH pre-event “Fostering the impact of agricultural research and innovation on global challenges – The role of platforms, partnerships and policies”- Patricia Wagenmakers, Co-chair of SCAR ARCH strategic working group, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
  3. Outcome of FACCE JPI pre-event “International soil research – Opportunities for synergy and cooperation” – Maurice Heral, French National Research Agency
  4. Working in areas of high priority: the example of the international research consortium on animal health – Alex Morrow, DEFRA

Discussion with the audience.

