The 11th annual Argus Africa Fertilizer conference

  • 20th February 2020
  • by secretary
19-21 February 2020. Cape Town, South Africa. The 11th annual Argus Africa Fertilizer conference The conference brings together attendees representing 150 companies from across the fertilizer supply chain.

Extracts of the programme

Fertilizer Fast Track – a guide to global fertilizer production, trade and demand dynamics

  • Insights into the nitrogen markets – Frances Wollmer (see picture), Principal, Fertilizer Consulting, Argus
  • Developments in the potash markets – Oliver Hatfield, Vice President Business Development, Fertilizers, Argus
  • A focus on the phosphate markets – Premium phosphate markets – Mike Nash, Editor for Fertilizer Content Development, Argus
  • A snapshot of the sulphur markets – Oliver Hatfield, Vice President Business Development, Fertilizers, Argus

Roundtable discussions

  •  Fertilizer supply and demand trends in Zimbabwe Tapuwa Mashingaidze, CEO, Chemplex Corporation 
  • The market for enhanced efficiency fertilizers in Africa Dustin Beckerling, African Continent Manager, Koch 
  • Agronomic Services West Africa Fertilizer Market Update Dr. Abdoulaye Dièye, WAFA Secretary – Research and Training, West Africa Fertilizer Association 
  • Managing Crop Production in Acidic Soils in Ethiopia Sam Gameda, Senior Soil Scientist, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Ethiopia 
  • Soil vs foliar fertilization, and the addition of growth regulants or plant hormonesDr Steven A. Oosthuyse, General Manager, HortResearch SA

Panel discussion: Introduction to finance options for the African fertilizer supply chain
Financing options for SME’s ; Maintaining sustainable finance ; The importance of building relationships between the public and private sectors to achieve success 

  • Marie Claire Kalihangabo – Coordinator, Africa Fertilizer Financing Mechanism (AFFM), African Development Bank  – Keynote speaker
  • Edward Mabaya – Manager of Agribusiness Development, African Development Bank – Moderator
  • Charles Sesay, Finance Director, Rokel Bank 
  • Kalim M. Shah, Chief Investment Officer, Sub-Saharan Africa Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services Department, International Finance Corporation (IFC) 
  • Robson Mutandi, Country Director, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Panel discussion: Connecting the private and public sectors to improve value chain efficiency for fertilizer use and distribution
Successful business models; The role of financial institutions in supporting the fertilizer supply chain; Regional initiatives to improve access to finance 

  • Pierre Brunache (see picture: left), – Consultant AFFM, African Development Bank – Moderator
  • Asseta Diallo, (PhD), Program Officer, Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Systems, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) 
  • Sheila Keino, Regional Director, New Business ande Partnerships, AFAP Malawi, Business and Technical Services Unit (BTS)
Case study: Mali’s success story – Achieving the Abuja Declaration objectives 

Agricultural transformation developments and strategies for ensuring value chain efficiency across the region 

  • H.E. Josefa Sacko – Commissioner, Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union 

Panel discussion: The movement towards customised fertilizers for smallholders in Africa 
The importance of educating blenders, Soil testing, crop analysis and understanding research results, Opportunities for blenders in the region

  • Dr Pieter Haumann, Chief Executive Officer, FERTASA 
  • John Wendt, Deputy Director for Field Research, IFDC 
  • Jeff Ivan, Director International Sales, AGI FERTILIZER SYSTEMS 
  • Mark Goodwin, Manager International Business, Compass Minerals Developing multi-nutrient fertilizers for improving crop yield and quality – ICL Fertilizers 

Improving nutrient use efficiency with multi-nutrient products Compatibility with African crop types, Opportunities in Africa for multi-blend fertilizers

  • Lilian wanjiru Mbuthia, Senior Agronomist, Eastern Africa, ICL Fertilizers 
  • Tamir Richker, South and East Africa Sales Manager, ICL Group

Panel discussion: Digital transformation in agriculture 
The increasing importance of smart farming, The use of digital technologies among rural population and farmers, Sharing information and data collection, Investment in digital agriculture 

  • Edward Mabaya, Manager of Agribusiness Development, African Development Bank 
  • Marc Corbeels, Agricultural Researcher, AIDA Research Unit, CIRAD 

Introduction to Argus Sub-Saharan Africa report (Argus, December 2019, 575 pages)
National and regional markets for fertilizers in SSA, Key market sectors, players and products; Import/supply hubs and transport corridors 

  • Oliver Hatfield – Vice President Business Development, Fertilizers, Argus 

Visualizing Insights on Fertilizer for African Agriculture (VIFAA) Program: A new fertilizer data platform for Sub-Saharan Africa What will the platform offer and who can use it? ; Project status update ; Applying data to key decision-making processes for governments and private sector actors 

  • Charlene Migwe, VIFAA Project Manager, Kenya, Development Gateway 
  • Diego Dimunzio, Software Developer, Development Gateway 

Panel discussion: Supporting small scale farmers with their fertilizer usage in Sub-Saharan Africa Challenges for small scale farmers; Import trends; What are the missing links in the value chain? 

  • Carlos Zandamela, President, Mozambican Platform for Promotion of Fertilizer Use (AMOFERT) 
  • Rob Groot, Director Business Development and Partnerships, IFDC 

Panel discussion: West Africa fertilizer market – Opportunities and challenges in the region Ghana’s Fertilizer Expansion Programme and other regional initiatives; Regional security issues; Domestic production in Nigeria and import volumes 

  • Anthony Selorm Kofituo Morrison, CEO Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana and Chair, West Africa Chamber of Agribusiness 
  • Gideon Negedu, Executive Secretary, FERTASA

Panel discussion: Overcoming transport and supply chain challenges across Africa and recommendations for improvement 
Are transportation costs improving? Transportation availability ; Infrastructure developments 

  • Gopal Chandak, Regional Head – West Africa and Asia (Fertilizer and Agri Inputs), Export Trading Group Gertrude Mashonganyika, Supplies and Logistics Manager, ZFC Ltd 
  • Shujjat Alikhan, Vice President, IMGS Group 
  • David Buruchara, Fertilizer Logistics Specialist, One Acre Fund
How will security restrictions in West Africa impact consumption volumes and agricultural outputs in this region? 

Impacts of urea restrictions; Balancing security gains against economic losses; Urea supply and demand outlook for 2020 

  • Dr Innocent Okuku – Vice President, West African Fertilizer Association 

Panel discussion: Strategies for improving the African supply chain: From production to the farmer 
How can fertilizers be made more accessible for small scale farmers? The importance of private and public sector collaboration ; Fertilizer subsidies in Africa 

  • Grace Chilande, Fertilizer Market Specialist – AfricaFertilizer.Org Coordinator, IFDC Kenya – Moderator
  • Mahamadou Nassirou Ba, Economic Affairs Officer – Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Division, United Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) 
  • Andrew Prince, General Manager – Supply Chain, Omnia
Upcoming event
26 May – 28 May 2020. Abuja, Nigeria. West Africa Fertilizer Forum