African Agriculture @ UNGA 73 and Global Goals Week (6)

  • 27th September 2018
  • by secretary
23-29 September 2018. New York. Food systems, hunger and nutrition received a great deal of attention during Global Goals Week.

The burden of malnutrition is two-fold and concurrent with devastating rates of undernutrition and overnutrition across the world – as many as 815 million people are hungry and 2 billion are micronutrient deficient while 1.9 billion are overweight and 600 million are obese. Malnutrition is now a leading cause of NCDs, which have proven devastating socioeconomic impacts on individuals, communities, and entire economies.

Run of Show
Concept Note

Panel 1: The importance of healthy and sustainable food systems for NCDs 
Panel presentations 
  • Moderator: Dr. David Nabarro (Curator of the Food Systems Dialogues) 
  • H.E. Nikolai Astrup (Minister of International development, Government of Norway
  • H.E. Prof. Nila F. Moeloek (Minister of Health, Government of Indonesia) 
  • Ms. Agneta Karlsson (State Secretary for Health and Social Affairs, Government of Sweden
  • Mr. Gilbert Houngbo (President, International Fund for Agricultural Development) IFAD
Panel 2: Tools and practices to take the shared message forward 
  • Moderator: Ms. Gerda Verburg (UN Assistant Secretary General & Coordinator of the SUN Movement) 
  • Dr. Tedros Adhanom (Director-General, World Health Organization) – TBC
  • Dr. Steve Waygood (Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva) 
  • Ms. Kanni Wignaraja (Director, UN Development Operations Coordination Office)

