Strengthening EU-Africa Capacities and Collaborations for Climate Change Research

  • 04th January 2018
  • by secretary

CAAST-Net Plus’s Contribution Towards Strengthening EU-Africa Capacities and Collaborations for Climate Change Research (5 pages) 

This document provides a summary of outputs, outcomes and next steps of the work of the CAAST-Net Plus consortium on climate change research collaborations, including the main recommendations for policy and programming and how it relates to the Africa-Europe High Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation (HLPD) priority on climate change and sustainable energy.

Initial discussions indicate a willingness to design and implement a joint call for research funding on climate change and energy, akin to the LEAP-Agri model which CAAST-Net Plus was instrumental in designing and launching. As such, the legacy of CAAST-Net Plus’s work on Africa-EU climate change research collaborations will manifest itself in other, related, forums and agendas to push for investment in African research capacity. This will ensure that CAAST-Net Plus continues to make a difference beyond the lifetime of the project.

