Field visit: Towards an efficient soybean food chain in Benin (ProSeSS)

  • 24th February 2017
  • by secretary

19- 24 February 2017. Benin. The Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group of Wageningen University and Research (WUR) visited the (Dutch funded) Applied Research Fund project Towards an efficient soybean food chain in Benin (ProSeSS) (October 2015 – September 2018).

The domain of the Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Group’s research and education program is the food, agribusiness, and institutions interested in food and agriculture.

This domain provides excellent opportunities to contribute to the knowledge in the field of marketing and consumer behaviour.
Aim of the project: Soy farmers hardly have access to quality seeds and consequently are not capable to deliver to traders and processors distinguished and well identified varieties of soybean for specific uses. Therefore, within three years, practitioners and researchers intend to develop a strategic plan for certified soy need production and an on-farm and on-market identification guideline for soybean varieties.

Objective: It is expected that nine viable soy seed production enterprises will be installed.

Members research group

