he Pan-African Soybean Trials:

  • 13th June 2019
  • by secretary

13 June 2019. Webinar: The Pan-African Soybean Trials: Addressing Seed Availability Across 14 Countries and 50+ Locations with 40+ Varieties

In this latest webinar from the Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab (SIL), researchers from the U.S. and Africa will describe how the consortium is solving the seed availability issue in Africa through the Pan-African Soybean Trial Program, a transparent, fast-track approach currently underway in 14 countries across Africa in over 50 locations.

  • Dr. Brian Diers (SIL, University of Illinois), 
  • Dr. Godfree Chigeza (IITA, Zambia),
  • and Florence Kamwana (DARS, Malawi), 
  • along with PAT Program Manager Michelle da Fonseca Santos (SIL, University of Illinois), 

They outlined the goals of the trials, provide variety test results from Malawi, Cameroon, Rwanda, and Uganda and discussed the variety release process. Learn more about this innovative program, how to get involved, and see results from the first two years of trials.

Video forthcoming

