How Farmers in Africa are Restoring Degraded Lands & Enhancing Resilience

  • 28th October 2016
  • by secretary
27 October 2016. Washington. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration is a low-cost, sustainable land regeneration system that can be used to rapidly and efficiently return degraded croplands and grazing lands to productivity. It also restores biodiversity and increases resilience to severe weather events.

Since its inception in Niger in 1983, FMNR has spread across five million hectares or 50 percent of that country’s farmlands, which is the largest positive environmental transformation in Africa in the last 100 years. Since then, FMNR has been introduced in 18 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Timor-Leste, and most recently India and Haiti.


  • Tony Rinaudo, Principal Natural Resource Advisor, World Vision Australia
  • Robert Winterbottom, Senior Fellow with the Food, Forests and Water Program, World 

Tony Rinaudo, who serves as Natural Resources Management Advisor for World Vision, is considered among the forefathers of FMNR. He has committed his life to reforesting degraded lands and bringing hope to poor communities through FMNR and has often been described as ‘the Tree Whisperer’.

The seminar provided participants with further insight on World Vision’s work to promote FMNR globally and an opportunity to explore strategies for strengthening evidence and scale-up of this proven model.

Related publication
Scaling up Regreening: Six Steps to Success

