Strengthening Rural-Urban Linkages in Africa to achieve food security

  • 06th December 2018
  • by secretary
3 December 2018. This was the forth event in the series ‘Frontiers in Development Policy’ and it  analyzed the importance of the link between both the rural and urban dimension. In particular the focus was on recognizing the role of small towns and enhancing rural-urban linkages in making food systems more effective and inclusive.

You will find below the link to watch the video of the conference

  1. Firstly, the session explored the urban-rural dynamic in Africa and implication for food systems, presenting some cases of agro-food sector development in small-medium sized towns. 
  2. Finally, it discussed concrete approaches that build, transform or strengthen urban-rural linkages to achieve food security for all.
  • Introduction: Leonard Mizzi, Head of UNIT C – DG DEVCO
  • Francesco Rampa, Head of Programme Sustainable Food Systems and Economic and Agricultural Transformation Programme at ECDPM
  • Olivier De Schutter, Co-Chair, International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food)
  • Guido Santini, Technical Coordinator of the “Food for the Cities” Programme at FAO
  • Discussant: Daniele Fattibene, Research Fellow at IAI
  • Moderator: Giulia Maci, ETTG Coordinator

