5th West African Organic Conference

  • 14th November 2019
  • by secretary
12-15 November 2019. Accra, Ghana. The West African Organic Conference (WAOC) is held every two years in one of the countries in the sub-region. So far, Nigeria, Benin and Mali have hosted it. Ghana is proud to host the organic conference in 2019.


  • The potential of organic agriculture in contributing to the transformation of national and regional economies, ecologies and livelihoods through income growth, enhancement of systems resilience and mitigation of climate change, food sovereignty and trade is explored and showcased.
  • The sharing of knowledge, information, experiences and skills among all stakeholders in the organic sector is facilitated, the uptake of organic alternatives through south-south collaboration is encouraged.
  • Organic produce and products are exhibited to stimulate national, regional and international trade and link producers to markets.
  • The conference is showcased and publicized to create awareness, obtain support and buy-in among policymakers (what are the next steps), organic stakeholders and the general public.
Seminar STAKEHOLDERS – Scientific Day
  • Moderator: Ingrid Prem
  • INFONET-BIOVISION • Online information complements Organic Agriculture Extension. Monique Hunziker Belinda Weya 
  • LAND MANAGEMENT • Farmers’ perception of land and adoption of sustainable land management technologies. Assogba S. Claude-Gervais 
  • OWNERSHIP • Ownership & transmission mechanisms of organic agriculture among pineapple producers Nathalie L&o Loyem 
  • LAND USE • The need for including organic and ecological sound use in an integrated development plan. Niek van Dulvenbooden 
  • ADOPTION OF PRACTICE • Determinants of Adoption of Organic Farming Practices Among Rural Farmers. Friday Ogar Idiku
Policy and Markets
  • Dr. De Fenzy Schandorf • President of EOAP-G Ecological Organic Agriculture Platform of Ghana (EOAP-G) 
  • Professor Simplice Davo VODOUHE • Chair of the West African Organic Network (WAfrONet) 
  • Dr. Ernest Aubee • Head of Agriculture Division Economic community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, Nigeria. 
  • Dr. Simplice Nouala • Head of Agriculture and Food Security Division African Union 
  • Dr. Elke Stumpf • Head of the Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP) German Development Cooperation (GIZ) Hon Dr. Sagre Bambangi • Deputy Minister of Agriculture(Crops) Ministry of Food and Agriculture(MoFA)