WEBINAR: Impact of the COVID-19 on trans-boundary agro-commodity chains

  • 28th May 2020
  • by secretary

28 May 2020. VCB-N webinar 4: The Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N), organised a series of Webinars on the COVID crises

  • This network provides professional advisory services and capacity building on Value Chain and Market System Development (VC and MSD) in Asia and Pacific Region (APR). 
  • It has been initiated by an IFAD-funded project Regional training network for scaling up pro-poor value chain programmes”. 
  •  The Network is drawing on experiences and expertise of Centres of Excellence (CoEs) from seven countries including Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam that specialized in professional training and capacity development on VC and MSD.

Some questions addressed during this Webinar 4 on agro-commodity chains (recording and report forthcoming) included:

  • How and to what extent are (international) agro-commodities chains interrupted by the pandemic?
  • How does the current COVID 19 pandemic impact the producers and the destination/consumer markets, at present, and in the long run?
  • What coping mechanisms are evolving to mitigate impacts and what recovery efforts are taking place?
  • How can Public-Private Partnerships play a role in mitigation and recovery efforts?
  • What will the “new normal” in the agricultural sector look like? And how can Public-Private Partnerships contribute to the vision of a more resilient agricultural sector?
Previous webinars
22 April 2020. VCB-N webinar 1The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains