Monitoring multi-sectoral interventions for diverse diets and nutrition

  • 13th December 2016
  • by secretary

13 December 2016. EC/DevCo Infopoint Lunchtime Conference

The Global Programme Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience – financed by the BMZ´s ONE WORLD – No Hunger Initiative – aims at improving the food and nutrition situation of women and small children.

  • Last year the Programme conducted ten Baseline Studies in ten Countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Kenia, Malawi, Mali, Togo, and Zambia) in order to get an overview of the food and nutrition situation. 
  • The Programme conducted interviews with more than 4,000 women living in rural areas in Africa and Asia. 
  • One objective was to obtain data regarding the prevalence of children receiving a minimum acceptable diet (MAD) and the degree of dietary diversity of women of reproductive age (IDDS/MDD-W) as they are generally more affected by malnutrition than other persons.


  • Pedro Campo-Llopis, Head of Section Nutrition in Unit DEVCO C1 Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition
  • Sabrina Ziesemer, Senior Policy Officer BMZ Division “Food and nutrition security, global food policy”


  • Dr. Petra Windisch-Stumpf and Markolf Maczek, ProjectManagers “Food and nutrition security, enhanced resilience”
  • Dr. Martina Kress, Planning Officer Nutrition and Resilience – Section Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security, GIZ

