Harnessing the power of data: data management workshop at the BecA-ILRI Hub

  • 26th June 2017
  • by secretary
5–16 June 2017. Nairobi. The Biosciences eastern and central Africa-International Livestock Research Institute (BecA-ILRI) Hub held a two-week training workshop on Data Management and Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) analysis. The focus of the workshop was to equip scientists with computational skills needed to manage and analyze GBS data.

The training was offered in response to the needs of national agricultural research systems (NARS) scientists identified through various engagements with the BecA-ILRI Hub including annual workshops on Advanced Genomics and Bioinformatics in and Introduction to Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics.

Twenty participants from nine African countries—Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda—had an opportunity to work through their GBS data under the guidance of facilitators from Earlham Institute, UK; Fathom Labs, Kenya; and Ohio State University, USA as well as bioinformatics research associates from the BecA-ILRI Hub.

In this five-minute video, participants from different countries share how they hope to apply the skills they acquired from the workshop.

