International Conference on Agri-Chains and Sustainable Development

  • 13th December 2016
  • by secretary

12-14 December 2016. Montpellier, France. The International Conference on Agri-Chains and Sustainable Development 2016 brought together up to 200 delegates from 40 countries, including key actors from developing countries and innovators from the field from all world regions, to debate about the role of agricultural value chains in the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The conference aimed at strengthening the science and policy interface for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, considering that agricultural value chains form spaces where local and global challenges to sustainabilityconnect and within which local and global actors experiment and negotiate innovative solutions.


  • Nourishing the dialogue with decision makers for enriching policy and strategy formulation towards sustainable development, using agricultural value chains as effective levers for action;
  • Engaging further scientists and experts into innovative experiences for an inclusive and sustainable economy and in imagining new models of development;
  • Richard Hawkins: Putting value chains
    in the context of innovation
    and development approaches
  • Shedding light on new patterns of public/private partnerships and investments and on multistakeholders’ alliances for sustainable value chains.

Debates focus on 3 themes:

  1. Performance and evaluation of agri-chains with respect to the SDGs;
  2. Public policies and agri-chain governance mechanisms at different scales in support of the SDGs;
  3. Concrete innovations and partnerships for building and transforming agri-chains towards sustainable development.


  • Dr Roberto Ridolfi, Director for Sustainable Growth and Development at DG DEVCO (EU)
  • Alexander Müller, German Council for Sustainable Development
  • Pr. Lawrence Busch, Michigan State University
  • Teresa Ribera, Director of IDDRI
  • Pr. Nora McKeon, Roma 3 University
  • Emmanuelle Cheyns, CIRAD
  • Steven Muchiri, CEO Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF)
  • Anna Swaithes, Director of Sustainable Development SABMiller
  • Pr. Harriet Friedmann, University of Toronto
  • Pr. Gilles Trystram, Director of AgroParisTech
  • Presenting the TAP framework
    for CD for AIS
    by Christian Hoste
  • Jean Pierre Imelé, CEO Biotropical SA

“Public policies and agri-chain governance mechanisms at different scales in support of the SDGs”

  • Nora McKeon, University of Rome, Italy – “Interrogating the narratives: multistakeholder governance, PPPs, and agri-value chains”
  • Emmanuelle Cheyns, CIRAD, France – “Transnational voluntary standards for sustainability: do they deliver on their promises ?” 
  • Clément Chenost, Investment and Technical Director, Moringa Fund, France
  • Ibrahima Coulibaly, Chair CNOP, vicechair, Réseau des organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs Agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA), Mali
  • Kristell Guizouarn, Director of Sustainable Development, Avril, France
  • How major impact for PPP
    Cassava in Nigeria is
    achieved through
    functional changes
    Toon Defoer 2scale
  • Bernard Rey, Deputy Head of food security, rural development, nutrition – EuropeAid, Belgium

“Strengthening the capacities needed to make multi-stakeholder partnerships for innovation in agri-chains work in practice”

Chair: Myra Wopereis-Pura, ICRA, France and Aurélie Toillier, CIRAD, Burkina Faso
Bernard Hubert, Agropolis international, France & Richard Hawkins, ICRA, The Netherlands

  • Organic agriculture & food security in Cameroon – Bayiha Gerard De La Paix, Université de Yaoundé II, Cameroon
  • The case of Myanmar: after 50 years of dictatorship, making the leapfrogging possible in agriculture – Ei Khin Khin, Green Lotus, Myanmar
  • Agriculture innovation partnerships in Angola: successful stories – Paulo Clemente de Oliveira, African Innovation Foundation, Angola
  • Transition in agricultural innovation and development: A Case Study of Bt Cotton System in Burkina Faso – Eveline Compaore, CNRST, Burkina Faso
  • Exploring capacity to innovate concepts and its assessment in Cameroon – Sophie Allebone-Webb, CIRAD, Montpellier
  • Government versus private sector led innovation partnerships in Ethiopia: challenges and opportunities for capacity development – Amanuel Assefa Ezezew, World Bank Grop, Ethiopia
  • Roots to empowerment – Toon Defoer, ICRA, France
  • Theories and Frameworks that help to shape and support actions Richard Hawkins, ICRA, The Netherlands 
  • Innovation platforms and value chains: technological innovations and sustainability in the Ivorian plantain value chains – Euphrasie Angbo-Kouakou, CIRAD, France
  • Capacity For Change: The Common Framework on Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems – Christian Hoste, Agreenium, France 
  • Scaling inclusive development: assessing the outreach and leverage of agri-chain partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa – Sietze Vellema, WUR, The Netherlands
  • Aurelie Tollier
  • How to support innovation processes in agricultural sector? Diversity and complexity of situations of innovation in BurkinaAurélie Toillier, CIRAD, Burkina Faso

“Multi-stakeholder partnerships towards food security and sustainable value chains”

  • Institutional Food Procurement Programmes: key aspects for programing and policy designFlorence Tartanac, FAO, Italy
  • Development of the rice value chain in Guinea though support for female rice parboilers and a collective interprofessional trademark – Floriane Thouillot, GRET, France
  • Local products for urban market’s supply: Experiments in the region of Seam Reap (Cambodia) – Martine François, GRET, France
  • Explaining new approach
    for AIS in Angola
  • BiomassNet: a stakeholder network for promoting innovation in food and non-food biomass-based value webs in Africa – Nikoas Böehlke, University of Bonn, Germany

