Agriculture @ European Development Days 2019

  • 18th June 2019
  • by secretary
18-19 June 2019. The European Development Days (EDD) is Europe’s leading forum on
development and international cooperation.

#edd19 #thinktwice
Organised by the European Commission, the forum brings together each year the development community to share ideas and experiences that can inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.

“In the current global context, it is more imperative than ever that developing countries take more effective lead of their general development agenda, as well as raising the level of prosperity.” President Kagame

Right to food, right to cities – Brainstorming Lab

The European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) and ECDPM organised this brainstorming lab to share the growing evidence of innovative urban policies and projects that create food access for marginalised groups, from cities in Europe and the Global South.

  • Urbanisation affects every aspect of food systems, from how food is produced to how it is processed, packaged, transported, marketed and consumed – and to how food waste is handled and recycled.
  • Feeding rapidly growing cities in a sustainable manner is one of the key challenges for the coming decades.

Read the full paper here.

  • MODERATOR Giulia Maci programme coordinator ECDPM
  • Leonard MizziHead of Unit European Commission – DG for International Cooperation and Development 
  • Stephen OtienoCity Advisor, Nairobi (Food Systems) C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group 
  • Nina Pattyn Rikolto 
  • Hanne KnaepenPolicy Officer European Centre for Development Policy Management 
  • Katarzyna Dembska (see picture) Researcher The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition Foundation 
  • Daniele FattibeneResearcher Istituto Affari Internazionali 
  • Guido Santini Chief Technical Advisor FAO
  • Christophe Ramont North-South civil servant City of Ghent 
  • Paulina Bizzotto Molina Policy Officer ECDPM

Water science and capacity development: Empowering people to leave no one behind

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and UNESCO are engaged with the African Network of Centers of Excellence on Water Sciences to push research, advisory and advocacy support using local resources in medium- to long-term efforts to strengthen and coherently develop Africa’s water sector.

  • MODERATOR Ole Houmøller European Commission – DG Joint Research Center 
  • Canisius KanangireExecutive Secretary African Ministers’ Council on Water
  • Ivan Davor KulisHead of Unit EC, DG JRC.D6 
  • Claudio Bacigalupi Head of Water and Sanitation sector European Commission – DG for International Cooperation and Development 
  • Murray BiedlerProgramme Coordination UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 
  • Abdellatif Zerga (see picture) Algeria, Director of Institute Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences, including Climate Change 
  • Joanna Fatch (see video) Project Manager AU/NEPAD Southern African Network for Water Centres of Excellence 

Local climate and energy action to fight inequalities in Sub-Saharan Africa

The UN Capital Development Fund’s Local Climate Adaptive Living facility promotes climate-resilient communities and local economies by investments in adaptation at the local level in least developed countries. Cities will be showcased that have accessed these initiatives and developed concrete actions.

  • MODERATOR Etienne Coyette European Commission DG DEVCO 
  • Andrew Marcelin Komba Director of Sector Coordination President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government Offices (PO-RALG), Tanzania 
  • Carin Jämtin Director – General Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency 
  • Ndeye Rokhaya Sarr Ville de Dakar 
  • Antony Philip Emenyu Kasese Municipal Council 

What will it take to win the battle against hunger?

In a context of scarcer resources and limited programmatic approaches, and with a fragmented international architecture, concrete and substantial actions are needed

  • MODERATOR Anya Sitaram Founding Director and Executive Producer Rockhopper TV
  • Nick Austin Director, Agricultural Development – Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 
  • Victoria Tauli-Corpuz UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People United Nations 
  • Paul Conal WintersAssociate Vice-President, Strategy and Knowledge Department IFAD
  • Ismahane Elouafi (see picture) Director General International Center for Biosaline Agriculture 
  • Gilbert Houngbo President – IFAD 
  • Agnes Kalibata President – AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) AGRA 

Climate change inequality: Reducing vulnerability of ACP countries

In most ACP countries, the negative consequences of inequality are linked to factors contributing to climate change vulnerability. Social and economic inequalities drive vulnerability among particular groups, some of which have restricted access to the resources required for building adaptive capacity and responding to climate change.

  • MODERATOR Pendo Maro Team Leader Intra-ACP GCCA+ Programme African Caribbean and Pacific Secretariat 
  • Patrick GomesSecretary General ACP Group 
  • Philip Owen Head of Unit European Commission – DG for Climate Action 
  • Luca Lazzaroli Director General European Investment Bank (EIB) 
  • Samson SitholeChief Executive Officer Eswatini Agriculture and Water Devevelopment Enterprise 
  • Stefano SignoreHead of unit European Commission – DG for International Cooperation and Development 
  • Shahr-yar ShareiDirector Center for United Nations Constitutional Research 
  • Kaire MbuendeAmassador Embassy of the Republic of Namibia 

Are value chains a driver for equality?

The context in which global, regional and national value chains operate fluctuates due to factors such as price, market structure, technology, climate change, laws and policies. This challenges the capacity of actors to engage and influence the terms of trade. Value Chain Analysis for Development (VCA4D) uses a standardised method to assess the extent to which agricultural value chains are inclusive and sustainable. Three VCA4D case studies will illustrate how value chains, integrated in local or global markets, represent major opportunities to reduce inequalities. Value chains can also increase the risk of exclusion for vulnerable groups. Speakers will consider how robust analytical tools, such as VCA4D, can support improved governance, policies and greater coordination.

  • MODERATORIsolina BotoManager of Brussels Office CTA
  • Catherine Allen (see picture) Social Specialist – Value Chain Analysis for Development Agrinatura 
  • Froukje KruijssenSenior Advisor Sustainable Economic Development and Gender Royal Tropical Institute 
  • Gideon OnumahPresenter Agrinatura

Using Geographical Indications

Intellectual property tools such as Geographical Indications (GIs) to address inequalities between countries by supporting the integration of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in global value chains
  • How can rural development through GIs contribute to reducing inequalities within countries ?
  • What are the critical institutional and technical factors of success and failure in developing a trade and entrepreneurial development strategy for using GIs to promote products from LDCs?
  • How can GIs in LDCs be a viable initiative to address the challenges arising from the rural exodus.
  • How best to design supporting policies related to direct and indirect impacts of GIs on income and inequalities?
  • How can the interplay between GIs and development policies support the start-up of local initiatives based on origin-linked products?
  • MODERATOR Stefano Inama Chief, Technical Cooperation and Enhanced Integrated Framework, Africa and Least Developed Countries Division UNCTAD
  • Isabelle Durant Deputy Secretary-General UNCTAD
  • Pierre Claver RunigaHead of Policy, Legal and International Cooperation Department African Regional Intellectual Property Organization 
  • Maimouna Soumaye ransformatrice Niamey Fromagerie Niamey 
  • Ousman Abdou Ministry of Agriculture, Niger 

Rural revitalization: Addressing inequalities

Revitalizing rural areas is critical to building a world that leaves no one behind. Climate change, conflict, urbanisation and increasing rural-urban inequalities are some of the most urgent challenges faced by marginalised communities.

  • MODERATOR Thin Lei Win Food Security Correspondent Thomson Reuters Foundation
  • Leonard Mizzi Head of Unit European Commission – DG for International Cooperation and Development 
  • Dacian Ciolos MEP – European Parliament, Former Prime Minister and European Commissioner for Agriculture European Parliament 
  • Marc Nolting (see picture) Deputy Head of Division (Rural Development, Agriculture) GIZ 
  • Shenggen FanDirector General – International Food Policy Research Institute International Food Policy Research Institute 

Inequalities in agriculture

How climate change and environmental inequalities prevent farmers from reaching their potential
  • MODERATOR Ben Deighton Managing Editor SciDev.Net
  • Josefa SackoCommissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission African Union Commission 
  • Sarah CardeyAssociate Professor, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development University of Reading
  • Pacita Juan Founder ECHOStore 
  • Dennis Rangi  (see picture) Director General Development CABI 

Climate change, renewable resources and food security

The subtle links between climate change, the global economy and local socio-ecological systems will be presented. Potential solutions will be discussed to mitigate existing conflicts related to access to natural resources in Africa.

  • MODERATOR Philippe Cury IRD representative Brussels
  • Etienne CoyetteEuropean Commission DG DEVCO 
  • Gernot LagandaChief of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction WFP
  • Djiga Thiao Researcher Centre de Recherches Océanographiques de Dakar
  • Thiaroye Jenny Springer (see picture) Director Global Programme Governance and Rights International Union for the Conservation of Nature 

Promoting sustainable agriculture and trade for inclusive growth Sustainable Impact investments in food production and trade can create decent jobs through new transformative partnerships. The potential of trade and business cooperation is key to support the development of agri-food enterprises and fully maximise trade and enhancing new markets in regional and global value chains. Inclusive and remunerative models which address the inequality factors across the value chains need to be shared and upscaled. New skills development able to match the market needs in value-addition products, blending facilities and innovative solutions to scale up are needed. 

  • MODERATOR Michael Hailu Director CTA  
  • Isabelle Durant Deputy Secretary-General UNCTAD
  • Leonard MizziHead of Unit European Commission – DG for International Cooperation and Development 
  • Maria De La Concepcion Blanco Aguado  (see picture) Head of Sustainable Finance Solutions BBVA Microfinance Foundation 
  • David Laborde Senior Research Fellow IFPRI 
  • Zhi Yong HengPrincipal / Head of Trade Finance and Special Situations Group TLG Capital 
  • Mwala MootoYoung Leader – Zambia 
  • Patrick Gomes Secretary General ACP Group
European Development Days 2019: closing ceremony

