Aflatoxin mitigation initiatives in Malawi.

  • 06th November 2017
  • by secretary
Resource: Quarterly Newsletter of the Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa-African Union Newsletter July-September 2017.

The government of Malawi, through the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, has produced a video documentary to sensitize the public on the causes, risks, prevention and control of aflatoxins.

The 15 minute documentary features champions from the public sector, consumer rights bodies, farmers’ organizations, research institutions and other key actors in aflatoxin mitigation initiatives in Malawi. The documentary forms part of the efforts by the government and other stakeholders in Malawi to intensify public education on aflatoxin contamination. The necessity of such efforts has been confirmed by various reports, which suggest that the majority of Malawian citizens, including major stakeholders like farmers, have inadequate information about aflatoxins.

The video documentary will soon be premiered on various TV stations in Malawi. Copies will also be distributed to key institutions and development partners, and it will be accessible online via the PACA website.

Upcoming events 

  • 29-30 November 2017 Madrid, Spain. 2nd International Conference on Food Microbiology, 
  • 27-28 November 2017 Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 8th International Conference on food Safety, Quality & Policy, 
  • 4-5 December 2017, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. First Africa Wide Workshop on Aflatoxin Control in Maize Value Chains, 
  • 12-13 December 2017, Dakar, Senegal.Training Workshop on Aflatoxin Sampling and Testing Protocol for ECOWAS Region
Resources flagged in the Quarterly Newsletter of PACA
Innovative business models to scale-up aflatoxin control technologies in Kenya
The International Food Policy Research Institute is working with the Wageningen University and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) to develop and test business models for scaling up aflatoxin control technologies through farmer groups in Kenya. 

Hermetic storage in the form of thick, plastic ‘super-bags’ have been proven effective in reducing pest infestation and reducing aflatoxin contamination, in a new study by researchers in Zimbabwe.

The aims of the study were to quantify aflatoxins in maize and groundnuts across Zambia’s three agro-ecologies and determine whether produce’s vulnerability to aflatoxin contamination increases after purchase.

