13th CAADP Partnership Platform

  • 30th May 2017
  • by secretary

31 May – 2 June 2017. Kampala. Theme ” Strengthening Mutual Accountability to Achieve CAADP/Malabo Goals and Targets.”

The theme of the CAADP PP will be subdivided into three main sub-themes as follows: 
Sub-theme#1: Strengthening evidence based planning through Malabo compliant NAIPs and RAIPs: 
This sub-theme will dedicate time to the transformation agenda captured in the Malabo declaration and the role of the NAIP to translate the continental aspirations into results and impact. Proposed specific sessions will specifically highlight key steps required for countries to take forward CAADP implementation within the context of their NAIPs and the need to embrace and align to the Malabo commitments. The role of evidence-based planning in the context of mutual accountability will take center stage during the sessions, while approaches for financing the plans will be discussed. 
Sub-theme#2: Fostering evidence-based reporting and accountability: 
Specific sessions of this sub-theme are conceived to inform PP participants on steps hitherto taken in designing the CAADP Biennial Review for effective mutual accountability. This is an integral part of the Malabo Declaration on fostering result-based implementation, evidence-based tracking, learning and building of new knowledge to inform further planning and policy reforms. Operational tools and 3 instruments, institutional mechanisms, and continental and regional roadmaps proposed and endorsed by members States and RECs, to coordinate preparation of country, regional and continental performance reports will also be exhibited. Anticipated challenges for a sustainable funding of the biennial reports preparation will be discussed as well as countries readiness to engage in the first reporting exercise. 
Sub-theme#3: Strengthening multi-stakeholder platforms for review, dialogue and mutual accountability to enhance policy formulation and effective implementation: 
Specific sessions of this sub-theme will provide comprehensive coverage of all the key stakeholder groups who need to be engaged for effective dialogue, implementation and mutual accountability while addressing ‘public sector’ coordination issues at national level, as well as sector coordination issues at regional and continental levels. They will also provide an insight into existing tools and mechanisms designed to promote enabling policy environmentsfor responsible and inclusive private sector investment in agriculture along selected value chains. In line with the AU theme for 2017, issues on harnessing the demographic dividend through the role of youth in agribusiness development will also be discussed. Enough time will be given for discussion on lessons learnt, experiences, challenges and good practices with a view to informing a set of recommendations on how to strengthen multi-stakeholder dialogue and accountability platforms for effective NAIP implementation.

Side Events: 

Title of the side event: “Deepening the Understanding of Food and Nutrition Security Accountability Process and the CAADP Results Framework to Facilitate the Achievement of Malabo Goals and Targets’’
Conveners: FARA and NEPAD

  • Overview of Nutrition in Africa, Ms. Kefilwe Moalosi (see picture), Nutrition Programme and Research Officer, NEPAD
    Ms Kefilwe Moalosi of NEPAD’s Nutrition Programme reported last year that the Ugandan diet mainly composed of traditional bananas known a Matoke, starchy roots (cassava, sweet potatoes), cereals (maize, millet, sorghum) and pulses (nuts), can be adversely affected by the Fungi [aflatoxin] which is known to contaminate these food crops.
  • Food and Nutrition Security goals and targets in the CAADP Results Framework: Technical guidelines and review process, Dr. Laila Lokosang, CAADP Food and Nutrition Security Advisor, AUC 
  • Aligning nutrition-sensitive agriculture indicators to Malabo/CAADP targets and indicators, Dr. Dia Sanou, Nutrition Officer, FAO, East Africa 
  • Monitoring and evaluation of advocacy and nutrition outcomes: Experiences from the Reaching Agents of Change and Building Nutritious Food Basket (BNFB) Projects, Dr. Godfrey Mulongo, M and E Specialist, BNFB Project, CIP, Tanzania 

Title of side-event: Evidence on measuring On-farm investment as means of prioritising investments that catalyst smallholders own investment.

The purpose of this side event is to increase understanding on on-farm investment and how to leverage investments for meeting the CAADP targets; and to identify next steps for inter-institutional collaboration between producers’ organisations, AUC, NPCA, FAO, IFPRI , ActionAid and other institutions to develop clear methodology for piloting data collection in Africa. There is the need to review the various agriculture financing streams in the wake of the current discourse on innovative financing for agriculture differentiating and measuring farmers’ own investment against Public, and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The main objective of this session are:

  • To discuss and provide substantial clarity and commonality on private investment and by different types of farms

  • To present and discus data sets on on-farm investment

  • To identify the several data sets and discuss opportunities to develop participatory tools and methodologies needed for comprehensive data collection and analysis of private investment (on-farm investments)

  • What kind of public investments catalyze, support or constrain smallholder farmers’ (especially women’s) own investment

  • To discuss, define and provide incentives for collaboration among stakeholders in piloting documentation of on-farm investments as a measure for improving both public and private investment in agriculture in Africa


  • Sarah Lowder (see picture), Agricultural Economist, Georgetown University , Washington, D.C.: Evidence on measuring On-farm investment as means of prioritising investments that catalyst smallholders own investment.
  • Augustin Wambo – Head, CAADP NEPAD Agency 
  • Ruchi Tripathi – LAND Platform Manager, ActionAid International 
  • Greenwell Matchaya (see picture),– ReSAKSS Coordinator (Acting) 
  • Mary Afan –President Smallholder Women Farmers Organisation of Nigeria 
  • Komla Prosper Bissi – African Union Commission 
  • Eva Mageni – President, Rural Women Farmers Federation
Oxfam has been engaging the African Heads of States and institutions in addressing the inequality in our food systems through evidence based advocacy for pro small holder farmer’s policies, practices and investments, through the GROW Campaign implemented in partnership with farmer organisations and other development partners and coalitions in 14 countries in Africa. In support of this campaign there are several projects such the Agriculture Investment project and Female Food Hero Awards implemented in Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Ghana, Nigeria, and Ethiopia and at Africa Union level. The main objective of this session are:
  • Improved knowledge on the agriculture budget allocation and its impact on the target sectors and beneficiaries. 
  • Launch of the Agriculture financing paper: ‘A broken promise! Financing African Small holder Agriculture’
  • Policy recommendations presented to the policy makers
Specific objectives

  • To share report findings on agriculture financing and discuss its implication in addressing the gender inequalities in food system and reduction in poverty levels.

  • To discuss recommendations for effective planning and utilisation of resources for the benefit of small scale farmers.

  • To provide a cross learning platform to share experiences and best practices on agriculture budget and policy influencing.

Conveners: Oxfam in collaboration with Grow campaign partners, CAADP Non State Actors Coalition (CNC) and AU


Presentation of the paper: “A broken Promise! Financing African Small Holder Agriculture’’Jessica Mwanzia (see picture) – Oxfam, Pan Africa Programme
Panel Discussion:

  • Panel host: Apollos Nwafor– Pan Africa Director 
  • Victoria Adongo– Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana 
  • Dr Janet Edeme: Head Rural Economy Division 
  • H.E. Hon Dr Charles Tizeba – Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Tanzania

