2016 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)

  • 05th September 2016
  • by secretary

5 – 9 September 2016. Nairobi. Some 1,500 delegates are attending the 2016 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF). The 2016 AGRF brings together heads of state and government, farmer organizations, business leaders and captains of industry, eminent thought leaders, development partners, researchers, and finance and investment leads. Download the Official Program (17 pages)

The delegates will share their insights on how to create, align and leverage financial, technical, policy and market-expanding resources to develop game-changing and

Mellissa Wood of 
ACIAR Australia on 
partnerships for achieving 
wide-scale research uptake

inclusive agribusiness models for Africa. This year’s event will consist of plenary sessions, break-out sessions, B2B meetings, the Africa Food Prize and informal networking opportunities.

The “Seize the Moment” campaign is expected to bring a world-wide call to action from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), energized by President Obama’s Global Food Security initiative the largest development commitment from the administration and one that is aligned closely with the African Union’s agriculture agenda.

In addition, both the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are expected to endorse the campaign and continue their strong backing of efforts to boost production and income for smallholder farmers and local agriculture businesses.

Ten years ago, funding from the two organizations launched the Nairobi-based Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). Today, they continue to work closely with AGRA, which has developed an extensive network of partners in the public and private sector across 18 countries.

Some of the key speakers include:

  • Olusegun Obasanjo,Former President, Nigeria
  • Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, President, African Development Bank
  • Mr. Strive Masiyiwa, Chair and Founder, Econet Wireless; Board Chair, AGRA
  • Dr. Agnes Kalibata, President, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
  • H.E. Rhoda Peace, African Union (AU) Commissioner, Rural Economy and Agriculture
  • Dr. Judith Rodin, President, Rockefeller Foundation
  • Ms. Gayle Smith, Administrator, USAID
  • Ms. Ertharin Cousin Executive Director, World Food Programme
  • Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO, NEPAD Agency
  • Mr. Svein Tore Holsether, President and CEO, YARA

Principle strategic AGRF partners include AGRA, the Rockefeller Foundation, Grow Africa, African Development Bank, OCP, AGCO, IFAD, African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP), Syngenta, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), YARA, Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), the Africa Union and NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency.

Extracts of the programme:

5 September. Science And Innovation to Transform African Agriculture — IDRC. IDRC and ACIAR organised a AGRF2016 side event at Nairobi Intercontinental hotel to present the CultiAF projects.

One of the CultiAF projects brings affordable pre-cooked beans to east African marketsThe USD $2.5 million project is led by Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) and Uganda’s National Research Organization (NARO). It brings together researchers, farmers and manufacturers to develop products that will offer an alternative to canned and chilled beans currently available in the market but are unaffordable to a majority of the consumers.

Joab Ouma of Lastinf Solutions, 
the processor of the pre cooked Beans

  • The project tested models for increasing the production and supply of bean varieties suitable for processing into pre-cooked beans, assess demand, test promotion mechanisms and promote consumption of precooked beans for different consumer groups.
  • The project aimed to improve food and nutrition security in east Africa. Kenya has significant malnutrition challenges. Approximately 5 percent of children under five are wasted, and another 16 percent are underweight. “The common bean is a major staple food in eastern and southern Africa where it is recognised as the second most important source of human dietary protein and third most important source of calories among all agricultural commodities produced in the region,” said Eliud Kireger, Director General of


  • The project is using nutritious, better tasting, and attractive colour beans varieties developed by International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). “What we now want to do is to add value to these varieties by processing so as to take less time to cook and fit into the lifestyle of both the increasing urban and peri-urban populations” said Jean Claude Rubyogo, a seed system specialist at CIAT.
  • Bean production in the region does not meet current demand. Kenya, for example produces only 427996 metric tonnes of dry beans per year and imports approximately 443000 metric tonnes from the East African region, almost a third of this from Uganda.
  • There is growing demand for high value food commodities opening up new opportunities for farmers. Developing precooked bean products will support farmers to plug into new markets that have a strong potential to delver higher returns for the farmers.
  • A number of farmers groups and processing farms provideed expertise in processing and support in the pre-cooked bean products value chain.
Acting High Commissioner Jeremy Green 
opening remarks at Australia Africa 

Plant Biosecurity Partnership

Another project is the Australia Africa Plant Biosecurity Partnership. This is a plant biosecurity capacity development program using Australian expertise to strengthen biosecurity skills and planning in Africa. It supports increased production, market access for African farmers and improved food security.

  • The project is the result of representations from African stakeholders to the Australian Government who noted that the world-class strength and experience of Australian biosecurity agencies could assist to strengthen African plant biosecurity capacity. Countries involved include Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. 
  • The AAPBP is led by PBCRC and funded by the Australian International Food Security Research Centre (AIFSRC) within ACIAR (the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research). Over the life of the project a total of $1.6 million will be invested, $0.8 million from ACIAR plus an additional $0.8 million from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs.
  • The program is being delivered by a consortium of PBCRC, the Crawford Fund and CAB International. The AAPBP aims to leverage support from other international agencies and to complement other work underway on plant biosecurity issues in Africa.
The International Development Research Center (IDRC) in partnership with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is also supporting the scale up the adoption of post-harvest management innovations for grain legumes in Africa. Both organizations believe that reducing post-harvest losses, increasing the quality of produce and improving access to agricultural markets are key to sustaining the productivity-driven transformation of the agricultural sector.

The project, (START DATE: March 16, 2016 ; END DATE: March 16, 2019 ; COUNTRY(S)

Mozambique, Burkina Faso, West Africa ; TOTAL FUNDING: CA$ 2,889,100) led by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, will field-test delivery models for cowpea and soybean:

  • Improved threshers – machines that separate grain from the plant
  • Crop storage methods, including the triple-layer Purdue Improved Crop Storage bags
  • Other post-harvest management practices, such as agro-dealer networks, integrated service providers, cooperatives, and small commercial farmers

Researchers will identify how post-harvest technologies can alleviate women’s workloads and contribute positively to their livelihoods. The project will use business models that ensure long-term economic, environmental, and social sustainability. It will also leverage partnerships between the public and private sectors, farmers’ organizations, and other social entrepreneurs.

By the end of 36 months, the project will reach 7,000 smallholder farmers. It also has the potential to benefit an additional 60,000 farmers by 2020. It will engage 60 youth as service providers and increase incomes through farmer-market linkages. These innovations are expected to reduce post-harvest losses from the current 30% to 10% for the two crops. The research team will share evidence and lessons from the scaling up efforts to improve implementation in the field, and inform policy change and investment.

Another project funded under the CultiAF programme is: Expanding Business Opportunities for

Youth in the Fish and Poultry Sectors in Kenya.

Wanjira Gitaiga a young entrepreneur 

raising insects for poultry feed

This project builds skills and knowledge among young people in Kenya to develop innovative business models that increase their participation in the fisheries and poultry sub-sectors. (START: June 2015, DURATION 18 months)

  • Project participants work with research teams in an ongoing project that is developing insect feeds for fish and poultry. Youth learn to develop and implement innovative business models for insect, poultry, and fish rearing, and poultry and fish feeds. The project team selected and trained aspiring agri-food entrepreneurs with business ideas that have the potential to grow and succeed. The lessons will be relevant to other agriculture and food security projects, especially those that aim to work with youth entrepreneurs.
    Karen Nguru
  • The project brings together the United States International University-Africa based in Kenya, Michigan State University, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, and Licence to Grow, a private company, to test and promote an entrepreneurship development model that combines training, business innovation, and action research.

Project: Southern Africa: Improving Fish Post-Harvest Management and Marketing in Malawi and Zambia (START October 2014 ; END: April 2017 ; TOTAL FUNDING: CA$ 1,596,900)

  • Fishing communities are working alongside researchers in Malawi and Zambia to evaluate post-harvest fish processing practices to improve their effectiveness, reduce losses, and promote greater equity among the men and women who work in the fisheries sector.
  • Working with fishing communities in Barotse and Lake Chilwa, and other partners, the project is analyzing fish value chains, including the differing roles of men and women, to understand how losses occur in fish volume, nutrient content, and economic value.
  • The research team developed and piloted interventions to reduce these losses, while also addressing issues connected to gender and power. These interventions include improved processing methods, such as paraboiling, solar drying, and kilning. Gender training and behaviour change communication activities will address the gender and social relations in the fisheries value chain. Working with policymakers, the team aims to increase recognition of the importance of fish production and gender equality in national and regional policies.
6 September. Launch of the African Agriculture Status Report (AASR).
  • AASR 2016 offers a detailed analysis of a decade-long agriculture expansion effort that has been the most successful development initiative in African history.
  • The report also offers a frank assessment of the challenges that lie ahead and recommends strategies for overcoming them.

Debate: Toward Agricultural Transformation In Africa.
Moderator: Mr. Jeff Koinange, Award Winning Kenyan TV Personality.

Keynote Speaker: Mr. José Graziano Da Silva, Director General, Food And Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Why Or How Does This Report Contribute To Africa’s Agricultural Transformation?

  • Dr. David Ameyaw, Head Of Strategy, Monitoring And Evaluation – AGRA
  • Prof. Thomas Jayne, Professor, Michigan State University (MSU)

What Drives And Enables Yields And Adoption Of Technologies For Transformation?

  • Dr. Antony Chapoto; Research Director – Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI)
  • Dr. Rufaro Madakadze; Program O Cer – Capacity Building – AGRA

How Does Agricultural Transformation Impact – Income, Poverty Reduction, Food Nutrition Security And Resilience?

  • Dr. John Ulimwengu: Research Fellow – International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Why Are Evidence-Based Mechanisms Important For Transformation?

  • Dr. Ousmane Badiane, Director – Africa, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
7 September. Another groundbreaking moment at the AGRF will be the inaugural award of the newly-created Africa Food Prize. The accolade calls attention to individuals and institutions that are inspiring and driving agricultural innovation throughout Africa. The Africa Food Prize Committee is chaired by H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of Nigeria.

8 September. Transforming Dairy Value Chains in Africa: Pathways to Prosperity

Keynote speakers: 

  • Dr. James Smith, Director General, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
  • Ms. Leah Kasera, Country Representative to Ethiopia and Kenya, GROW AFRICA
  • Mr. Valentine Miheso, Lead, Potato Value Chain, AGRA


  • Ms. Julie Kariuki, Senior Business Manager, TechnoServe, East Africa
  • Mr. Amos Omore, Tanzania Country Representative, ILRI East Africa
  • Ms. Carmen Jaquez, Practice Area Manager – Livestock and Environment, Land O’ Lakes, Southern Africa
  • Dr. Abdallah Twahir, Director, Market Development and Access, GALVMED
  • Dr. Andrew K Tuimur, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, The Republic of Kenya
9 September. Agribusiness Incubation: Nurturing Enterprises for the Future

Moderator: Mr. Peter Githinji, Manager, Africa Agribusiness Incubation Network (AAIN)
Setting the Stage: Dr. Alex Ariho, AAIN

  • Mr. Sander Mager, Managing Director, AgriProFocus 
  • Mr. Edwin Macharia, Managing Partner, Dalberg 
  • Mr. Sam Turyatunga, CEO, Tursam Investments Ltd, Uganda 
  • Mr. Brian Mwanamambo, Director AgBIT, Zambia 
  • Ms. Maureen Munjua, Country Coordinator, AgriProFocus, Kenya

