Agriculture related sessions at the European Development Days

  • 04th June 2018
  • by secretary
5-6 June 2018. Brussels. European Development Days 2018

Panel discussions

Tuesday, June 5. 09:30 to 10:15
The Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDDW) in Reproductive Age indicator
Maternal micronutrient malnutrition is a widespread challenge faced by women living in resource-poor settings, affecting their and their children’s survival and health through intrauterine growth retardation. When monotonous diets lack vegetables, fruits and animal-source foods, risk for micronutrient deficiencies is high.

Tuesday, June 5. 14:00 to 15:15
The Land Rights Now campaign for secure indigenous and community lands and how to ensure equal land rights for women.
The session discusses evidence of challenges and opportunities to secure women’s land rights within indigenous and local communities that enjoy collective rights to natural resources. It will do so by connecting research and action. Special focus will be given to the Land Rights Now campaign

Tuesday, June 5. 16:15 to 17:30
Hidden hunger: Produce more or empower more? Why gender matters

Agricultural policies are progressively taking into account the sociocultural context of farmers, to become more gender inclusive and nutrition-oriented. An inclusive panel will present and further illustrate the project’s findings with field experiences and provide food for thought on the way forward.

Tuesday, June 5. 18:00 to 19:15
Going Digital: Sustainable development in agriculture for women
This lab will share digitalisation opportunities for women and by women in agriculture and discuss how they can be leveraged for improved livelihoods.

Tuesday, June 5.18:00 to 19:30
EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF) Follow-up dialogue 2018: Women in Business: the African perspective
The potential of women in key economic sectors for the African continent: namely agriculture and agribusiness, digital economy, renewable energy and MSMEs. Speaker: Agnes Kalibata: President Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

Tuesday, June 5. 18:00 to 19:15
Women’s leadership in African farmers’ and rural producers’ organizations
Women empowement and leadership development is one of the focus areas of the Supporting Farmers’ Organisations in Africa Programme (SFOAP). In this context, the Programme has been supporting Regional Women Wings in West (ROPPA) Central (PROPAC) and Southern Africa (SACAU), and has supported the business of women cooperatives in Eastern Africa and West Africa.

Wednesday, June 6. 09:00 to 10:15
Rural women in decision-making and enterpreneurship: forest and farm producer organisations and cooperatives have solutions.
Strengthening business skills, ability to adopt new technologies and innovation, and climate-resilient farming practices are also important elements in empowering women and youth to become independent economic actors, and to access high-value and fast cycle sustainable value chains.
@FFP_agricord #agricord @FAOForestry #forestfarmfacility


  • Jennipher Handoondo, Zambia, Treasurer of the Tree Nursery Association, Founding member of the Zambia National Farmer Union forest commodity committee, District Agriculture Show Society award-winner for inspiring women into tree nurseries’ business
  • Charity Kathambi Chepkwony (see picture), Kenya Member of Parliament, Njoro Constituency, Nakuru County, Chairperson of the Beyond 1 Billion Trees Mau Women Community-Based Organisation, Treasurer of the Nakuru Smallholder Fruit Producers Association, Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Natural Resources
  • Januario Ntungwa  (see picture), Uganda, Country Coordinator in Trias Uganda. Trias is an agri-agency accompanying farmers’ organisations to strengthen their

    capacities and develop services to better serve their smallholder members, women and men. Part of the inclusiveness work, identification of bottlenecks in farmers’ organisations’ services’ provision has been done in order to raise awareness and for setting transformative plan to sustainably empower women and youth in rural livelihoods.

  • Kati Partanen, Finland, Facilitator and Chair of Women’s Committee, World Farmers Organisation Board member of MTK Central Union of Finnish Farmers and Forest Owners, Senior lecturer, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Forest and farm producer

Wednesday, June 6. 09:00 to 10:15
Women’s empowerment in pastoralist societies
How pastoralist women are key actors in developing value chains, dealing with climate change and fighting for land rights

Wednesday, June 6. 09:00 to 10:15
Women entrepreneurs – spearheading implementation of Agenda 2030
Women entrepreneurs are playing the crucial role of innovators of cutting-edge products and services, enabling a leap forward in such fields such as retail, food services, information technology, and by developing new products and processes as regards in agriculture, healthcare and other vital fields.

Wednesday, June 6. 10:45 to 12:00
Ensuring Women Participation and Empowerment for Water and Development
Despite their practical responsibilities and the fact that they produce 60-80% of the food in developing countries and are mainly in charge of fetching water, women are still not considered enough. The Water Project Toolkit provides guidance at each stage of a development/cooperation project in the water sector, linking the latter toagriculture (water supply, irrigation), energy (hydropower) and cross-cutting issues such as gender.

Wednesday, June 6. 13:00 to 14:15
Promoting gender transformative approaches in rural development
Approaches that have promoted the economic empowerment and rights of women through raising their voice and participation in rural movements or farmer based organisations, or through raising their awareness of their land rights.

Wednesday, June 6.14:30 to 16:00
Leading the change: Empowering women and girls for a thriving rural economy
Enhancing policy dialogue and cooperation on strengthening the role of women and girls in agriculture and rural areas

Wednesday, June 6. 14:45 to 16:00
Trade and women’s economic empowerment
The role of trade facilitation in providing equal access and opportunities for women entrepreneurs. It will also cover the role of international trade in women’s economic empowerment more generally and explore ways how women can benefit more international trade.

Wednesday, June 6. 14:45 to 16:00
Innovation and Sustainable agriculture – tools to bridge the gender gapPromoting African sustainability through tech entrepreneurship, e-agriculture and smallholder farming. The debate will address existing funding opportunities and how they can encourage the private sector and civil society to increase African investment – in partnership with governments – into ICT networks, climate smart agriculture, and innovative farm programs directed to breach the gender gap.

Thursday, June 7. – Side event
The EC together with ECOWAS and WAEMU is organising the High level conference on job creation, growth and competitiveness in West Africa on 07/06/2018 in Brussels. Focusing on 3 areas – MSMEs, agribusiness and digitalization – the conference will bring together high-level policy makers from the EU and West Africa, financial institutions and the private sector.


