A business case for engaging the private sector in climate-smart solutions for smallholder farmers

  • 29th September 2018
  • by secretary
CTA discussion paper “A business case for engaging the private sector in climate-smart solutions for smallholder farmers” is just out.

This report explores these questions and presents a business case for engaging the private sector in designing and implementing sustainable, climate-smart agriculture solutions in ways that reduce the risks not only for businesses, but also those faced by smallholder farmers.

Large and growing numbers of poor rural households depend on climate-sensitive agriculture and operate on the margins of the mainstream economy. This combined with a broken public extension service and faltering international development efforts places millions of smallholder farmers at disproportionately high risk from a changing climate. Acknowledging the magnitude of the challenge and the required pace and scale of response, coupled with honest introspection on past performance, has prompted the need to look beyond the public sector for delivering climate-smart solutions. Harnessing the financial, technological and intellectual capital in the private sector to complement public sector-driven climate responses is a new dimension in delivery of sustainable climate-smart solutions at scale.
Download your copy on https://publications.cta.int/en/publications/publication/2038/

Related: Webinar Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Doing Business Differently: How the use of data can enhance the role of the private sector in addressing climate change

15:00  1 hr 15 mins

28 September 2018. Brussels. DevCo Infopoint. Mobilising private-sector investment to mitigate climate change in Africa

Frontiers in Development Policy is a series of infopoint events on emerging trends, challenges and opportunities that will shape the future of development cooperation. The first event in this series will focus on cities and the challenges and opportunities that continued rapid urbanisation in our partner countries presents. The ETTG is a group of five leading European Think Tanks working on international development. The group works together in order to pool expertise, deepen analysis, improve communication, and maximise engagement with policy actors in EU Member States and EU institutions.

  • Felice Zaccheo, Head of Unit, DEVCO C6 – Sustainable Energy, Climate Change
  • Leo Roberts, Operations and Partnerships Manager, ODI, ETTG
  • Jessica Stephens, COO, AMDA
  • Giulia Maci, Programme Lead ETTG

