Annual 2019 ReSAKSS conference

  • 20th November 2019
  • by secretary

11-13 November 2019. Lomé, Togo. The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in partnership with the African Union Commission (AUC), convened the ReSAKSS Annual Conference to promote review and dialogue on the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) implementation agenda.

Download Conference Note (English: PDF 281K) | French: (PDF 283K)

This year’s conference theme “Gender Equality in Rural Africa: From Commitments to Outcomes” called for deliberations on the key findings and policy recommendations of the ReSAKSS 2019 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR). State and non-state reflected on how stakeholders should apply a gender lens to various issues among rural populations. The conference

  • Discussed progress, research evidence, and recommendations on gender equality presented in the 2019 ATOR.
  • Reviewed progress in promoting mutual accountability through agriculture JSRs and preparing the 2019 CAADP Biennial Review report to be presented at the African Union Assembly of heads of state and government in January 2020.
  • Assessed progress in formulating evidence-based, Malabo compliant second-generation NAIPs.
  • Evaluate progress in operationalizing effective local analytical networks for SAKSS platforms to support CAADP data and analytical needs at the country level.
  • Reviewed the status of CAADP implementation and progress toward achieving key goals and targets.
Extracts of the programme: Download the programme

New report
Each year, ReSAKSS produces an Africawide ATOR that presents analysis on a feature topic of strategic importance to the CAADP agenda. The 2019 ATOR discusses progress and research evidence on gender equality, a cross-cutting theme in the Malabo Declaration and a key commitment of the 2004 Solemn Declaration on gender equality in Africa. Applying a gender lens to various issues among rural populations will facilitate women’s social, political, and economic participation in agricultural development and provide additional evidence needed to advance gender equality. 
Gender-sensitive policies and programming are central to effectively advancing Malabo’s agricultural transformation agenda. But what is the progress in achieving gender equality? What are the major challenges, and what are the effective means of overcoming those challenges? What are best practices and successful experiences in Africa and elsewhere? What can we learn from the research evidence?

The 2019 ATOR takes an in-depth look at gender in Africa by examining the intersections between gender and i) context and institutions, ii) assets, iii) shocks and resilience, iv) livelihood strategies, v) income and control of income, and vi) well-being. As in previous ATORs, the 2019 Report also assesses progress toward achieving CAADP goals and the Malabo Declaration commitments using the 2015-2025 CAADP Results Framework.