Policies against hunger

  • 24th June 2016
  • by secretary

22 – 24 June 2016. Berlin, Germany. This conference focused on the goal of realizing the human right to
adequate food.

Extract of the programme

Diversification: Beside staples like rice, maize and wheat, an adequate nutrition also needs vegetables, fruit, legumes, oils and animal-based foods. Background paper WG 1: Diversification

  • What science-based approaches exist for increasing
  •  diversification both in what is produced and in what is actually consumed? 
  • What challenges and innovative solutions arise during implementation? 
  • And how can this help to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector?
  • Tshilidzi Madzivhandila, Director Policy and Research, FANRPAN – Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network 
  • Katja Kehlenbeck, Expert on neglected underutilized crops, Fachhochschule Rhein-Waal 
    H.E. Amira Daoud Hassan Gornass,
    Committee on World Food Security (CFS)
    and Parlamentarian Peter Bleser,
    Credit::BMEL/Ingo Heine
  • Mamadou Diop, Action Contre La Faim (ACF)

Processing: Food should be convenient to prepare and have a long shelf life without losing its Background paper WG 2: Processing
nutritional value. 

  • What challenges arise from these requirements in respect of processing and preparation particularly in developing countries?
  • How can we ensure that food is nutritionally beneficial, safe and affordable, whether consumers are eating at home or out of home? enges arise from these requirements in respect of processing and preparation particularly in developing countries? 
  • What role does the increasing level of urbanisation play?
  • Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, Research Program Leader, Value Chains and Nutrition, WorldFish, CGIAR, 
  • Rosemonde Touré, Entrepreneur for dried fruits, Burkina Faso 
  • Bendantunguka Tiisekwa, Department of Food Science and Technology, Sokoine University of Agriculture 
The involvement of the BLE
in the field of nutrition
at international level
Flyer (pdf | 179 KB)

Women‘s empowerment: Women account for the majority of the agricultural workforce in developing countries and emerging economies. They are also responsible for the nutrition of children and families. They have to contend with a very high workload and their own nutrition is often neglected. Changes in society take a lot of time. Background paper WG 3: Women’s Empowerment

  • Nevertheless, what possibilities exist to strengthen women in their roles here and now and thus ensure better nutrition for everybody? 


  • Salamatou Bagnou, Coordinator of Drylands Development Programme CARE Niger 
  • Babette Wehrmann, Expert on land governance issues 
  • Ramona Ridolfi, Gender Manager at Helen Keller International 
Nutrition education: Nutritional knowledge and skills regarding existing foods, their production, storage, processing and preparation are essential for achieving an adequate nutrition. This is true for both producers and consumers within the whole food system. Background paper WG 4: Nutrition education
  • What form must the nutrition education of caregivers, parents, children, teachers, instructors, trainees and farmers take to ensure that the knowledge acquired is put into practice?


  • Stacia Nordin, Nutrition Education Specialist – Feed the Future Malawi Strengthening Agriculture & Nutrition Extension Services Activity 
  • Bruno Prado, AS-PTA (Assistance and Service for Alternative Agriculture Projects), Brazil 
  • Mohammad Ali Reja, Farmer Nutrition Schools, SPRING, USAID

