Expert Network on Food and Non-food Biomass-based Value webs (BiomassNet)

  • 22nd July 2016
  • by secretary

21 July 2016. BiomassNet and the BiomassNet Dgroup are an initiative of the BiomassWeb project coordinated by the Center for Development Research (ZEF), an institute of the University of Bonn, Germany, and the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), based in Accra, Ghana.

BiomassWeb investigates the production and utilization of biomass in Africa by looking at current and future biomass demand and supply. The project identifies innovation opportunities in pre- and post-harvest production technologies, institutional settings and governance structures. This is complemented by implementation activities focusing on joint learning and network building to create innovative capacity beyond the project duration.

BiomassWeb is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supported with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development as part of the GlobE – Research for the global food supply program. the duration of the Project is: 2013-2016, with the prospect of continuation from 2016-2018 upon evaluation.

One feature of BiomassNet is the BiomassNet Dgroup, which promotes dialogue and cooperation amongst individuals and organisations working in food and non-food biomass production, processing and trading in African countries. The Dgroup welcomes all stakeholders who are interested in research and development issues related to biomass in Africa, such as scientists, policy makers, local, regional and national authorities, practitioners, civil society and development organisations, etc. The issues raised can refer to the broad range of food and non-food aspects of biomass, e.g., from agricultural production and nutritional value to innovative processing techniques and market analyses.


During a BiomassWeb Science Meeting in Ibadan, Nigeria, the participants visited parts of IITA’s research campus. One part was the joint cassava peels processing plant. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) tests different processes to find the best and efficient way to reuse cassava peels. This video shows some options what do to with the big amounts of cassava peels.

