Farmers Under PELUM Launch Organic Actors Platform

  • 09th June 2019
  • by secretary

30 May 2019. Farmers under Partipatory Ecological Land Use Management (Pelum) Association have launched ecological organic agriculture actors platform. The symposium was organised under the theme:Advancing multi stakeholder responsiveness towards scaling up Agroecology in Uganda.

The platform will be tasked to advance and share knowledge about sustainable farming practices and techniques so as to address climate change impacts.

“Uganda chapter will be used to advocate for sustainable farming practices country wide. Uganda lacks good Agroecology professionals therefore the new Agroecology actors playform will retool stakeholders to practice good sustainable farming system”Stella Lutalo Pelum Country Director 

Dr.David Amudavi Executive Director Biovision Africa Trust called for enactment of legislation and policy on ecological organic agriculture in Uganda to enhance training, research and farming practices.

Pelum is a regional network of over 220 Civil Society Organisations in 12 countries in East, Central and Southern Africa working on land use management.

  • Country chapters include Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda. Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Botswana, south Africa, Ethiopia and Swaziland.
  • The association also works to improve the livelihoods of small holder farmers and sustainability of farming communities by fostering ecological land use management.

Related PAEPARD blogpost: Agroecology Infopool website 

2 – 4 April 2019. Cairo, Egypt “Boosting the Role and Potential of Organic Farming in Africa“.

39 participants from Africa and Europe met in Sekem, Egypt with the purpose to exchange and strategize organic development and spreading knowledge about organic farming in Africa.

