Announcement: agriculture at the European Development Days

  • 04th May 2017
  • by secretary
7-8 June 2017. Brussels. Organised by the European Commission, the European Development Days (EDD) bring the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
Following sessions and stands are related to agriculture

7 June 2017:
Project S1, Organised by: CBA, TBT, CTA
Brainstorming B1, Organised by: UNIDO, DW, The Consumers Good Forum, Danish Technological Institute, FAO, IIF/IIR, RIOGO
Debate D1, Organised by: CIRAD, EC, UNDP
Debate D2, Organised by: AFDB, AAIN, PAFO, CTA, CEMA, ACP
Project S3, Organised by: EC, ILO, UNIDO, ACP
Brainstorming B2, Organised by: ColeACP, YPARD, Gembloux Agro Bio-Tech, Global Vert, ACP Young Professionals Network
Debate D7, Organised by: OCP, EU-Africa Business Forum
Debate D2, Organised by: UNESCO, World Water Assessment Programme, EC
Project S2, Organised by: UNEP, UNIDO, SwithAfrica, Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production  
Brainstorming B2, Organised by: EC, KULeuven, WAC, FAO,
8 June 2017:
Brainstorming B2, Organised by: CIRAD
According to SDG 17, a successful sustainable development agenda requires inclusive, multi-stakeholder partnerships. In the agricultural sector, structured knowledge platforms gathering political players, the private sector, civil society and research actors exist. Co-ownership, co-decision on the societal challenges to tackle, shared values and visions, and jointly committed resources are key characteristics. They cover a wide range of expertise, approaches and backgrounds and the impact of their activities stretches from the local to the national and regional scale. During the brainstorming session, participants will reflect on the expansion potential and sustainability of global knowledge partnerships for sustainable development in agriculture.
Debate D6, Organised by: IRD (with the participation of Mathieu Savadogo (Director Association for research and training in agroecology, father of Claude Arsène Trichoderma J
Debate D1, Organised by EC
Debate D4, Organised by: CABI, EC, East-West Seed
Project S4, Organised by: EC, OECD, German Cooperation
Debate D6, Organised by: EC, European Investment Bank, European Development Investment Institutions
Stand 3: Compagnie Fruitiere
Stand 4: Global Shea Alliance
Stand 12: a.o. SwitchAfricaGreen
Stand 14: Fair Trade
Stand 16: Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Stand 20: EC
Stand 23: EC, FAO 
Stand 34: PAEPARD, FARA, Agrinatura, EFARD, CDAIS, Caast-net+, RINEA, Leap-Agri, FAO, PronIntensAfrica
Stand 39: CABI
Stand 56: EC, CONCORD, etc
Stand 68: AESA, ACP

Stand 73: ColeACP, YPARD, Gembloux Agro Bio-Tech, CEJA, Global Vert, ACP Young Professionals Network

