Le Bénin signataire de l’agenda scientifique pour l’agriculture

  • 14th May 2018
  • by secretary
11 May 2018. Cotonou, Benin. The Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa (dubbed ‘Science Agenda’ / S3A) is an African Owned and African-led process that articulates the science, technology,extension, innovations, policy and social learning that Africa needs to apply in order to meet its agricultural and overall development goals.

The strategic thrusts of the S3A in the short to medium term are; the implementation of CAADP; increase domestic public and private sector investment; creating the enabling environment for sustainable application of science for agriculture; and to double current level of Agricultural Total Factor Productivity (ATFP) by 2025 through application of science for agriculture.

In order to ensure that the Science Agenda is taken into account in the development of the projects to
implement the PNIASAN (the National Agricultural Investment and Food Security and Nutrition Plan (PNIASAN 2017-2021), Benin has asked to join the Science Agenda.

Thus, a tripartite agreement protocol of collaboration on the Science Agenda was signed between the Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Elevage et de la Pêche (MAEP), the African Forum for Research Agriculture (FARA) and the African Union Commission Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (AUC). It also involves the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA).

This roadmap operationalizes and completes the first phase of implementation of the MoU. It focuses on the anchoring actions of the Science Agenda in Benin. 

The actions also includes project proposals to be submitted for funding, covering themes within the scope of the Agenda and implementing PNIASAN.

