• 12th July 2017
  • by secretary

12–13 June 2017. Stockholm. The EAT forum gathered 500 of the brightest minds from science, politics, business and civil society. They discussed progress on transforming the food system to solve the interconnected challenges of climate, sustainable development and health.

This year’s topics ranged from innovation and biotechnology to the economics of food systems. Exciting speakers included Caleb Harper from MIT Media Lab, who shared the innovative ways that biotech is revolutionizing the urban food system, and policy advocate Yolanda Kakabadse, WWFs International President and former Ecuadorian Minister of Environment, who looked at sustainable consumption and production in the context of food waste.

Rapid political and environmental changes are having drastic impact on societies across the globe. How can we move from intention to action, from commitments to systemic change?

How can we solve climate, sustainability and health challenges? Which food system triggers could bring about the most transformative change? Cut through the background noise using clear, science-based guidelines for food system transformation. #Foodcanfixit

The EAT Lancet Commission on Food Planet Health

  • Professor Walter Willett, 
  • Dr. Sunita Narain, 
  • Dr. Juan Rivera Dommarco, 
  • Dr. Sonja Vermeulen, 
  • Dr. Tara Garnett and 
  • Professor Jessica Fanzo. 

Panel moderated by Marie Haga (Executive Director, Global Crop Diversity Trust) with

  • President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim (Republic of Mauritius), 
  • Nicholas Moreau (Deutsche Bank Management Board, Head of Deutsche Asset Management), 
  • Ruben Echeverria (Director General, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)) 
  • Alejandro Argumedo (Program Director, ANDES) 

Moderator Jeremy Oppenheim (Program Director, Business and Sustainable Development Commission) with

  • Naoko Ishii (CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility), 
  • Guido Schmidt-Traub (Executive Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network), 
  • Svein Tore Holsether (CEO, Tara International), 
  • Gunhild A. Stordalen (Founder and President, EAT Foundation), 
  • Peter Bakker (President, WBCSD) and 
  • Per Fredrik Ilsaas Pharo (Director, Norway´s International Climate and Forest Initiative, Ministry of Climate and Environment) 
  • Craig Hanson (Global Director of Food, Forests & Water, World Resources Institute) 

