16th Globelics Conference

  • 29th October 2018
  • by secretary
24-25 October 2018. Accra, Ghana. 2018 GLOBELICS International Conference.



The 16th Globelics Conference was hosted by the CSIR-Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (STEPRI) in collaboration with Africalics.

Ghana is the fourth African country after South Africa, Senegal and Ethiopia to host the to create an industry in every district to generate jobs and improve livelihoods especially in the rural areas. The output of the Conference was expected to contribute immensely to the options of the government in achieving this flagship project dubbed “one district one factory”.
GLOBELICS annual Conference. This presented an opportunity to showcase Ghana. There is a government agenda

Special Session F: “Agricultural Innovation System” 
  • Prof. Felix Asante, ISSER, University of Ghana 
  • Prof. K.J. Joseph, Center for Development Studies, India 
  • Dr Dorothy Effah, AGRA, Ghana 
  • Ms Nora Ndege, African Centre for Technology Studies (ATPS), Kenya
  • Prof. Peter Knorringa, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague 
  • Ms Mikanay Hailemaria Seifu, Wageningen University and Mekelle University, Ethiopia 
  • Prof. Kehinde Taiwo, National Center for Technology Management, Nigeria.

