African Agri Investment Indaba

  • 23rd November 2017
  • by secretary

20 – 22 November 2017. Cape Town. African Agri Investment Indaba. The second African Agri Investment Indaba organised in partnership with Wesgro and the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, united over 600 key stakeholders from governments, agri-businesses, investors, banks, financiers, project owners and the agro-processing industry.

The three day event bega with a pre-conference workshop on Monday 20 November 2017 presented by Wesgro’s CEO – Tim Harris. The workshop explore investingd in the African halal manufacturing industry and cover regulations and government support, halal certification and standardisation as well as producing for export to meet the global market.

Two conference streams allowed attendees to choose the sessions of most interest to them. Some of the topics to be addressed in the programme include:

  • Africa’s role in global food security, 
  • improving the investment environment for African agriculture, boosting intra-regional trade to improve food security in North and West Africa, 
  • financing the food and agribusiness value chain,
  •  driving economies of scale to ensure sustainability 
  • and financing the agro-industrialisation revolution in Africa, amongst others.

Over 65 esteemed experts featured in the conference programme including:

  • Hon. Abubakar Sani Bello – Governor, Niger State Government, Nigeria
  • Hon. Willy Bett – Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries, Kenya
  • Hon. Minister George Kazadi Kabongo – Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, DRC
  • MEC Alan Winde – Minister of Economic Opportunities, Western Cape Government, South Africa
  • His Royal Majesty Orcivirigh Professor James Ortese Iorzua Ayatse – Tor Tiv V, Tor Tiv Palace. GBOKO-BENUE STATE, Nigeria 
  • Dr. Chimimba David Phiri – Subregional Coordinator for Southern Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ghana 
  • Dr. Nigel Chanakira – Chairman and Group Executive, Riskflow Group, Kingdom Financial Holdings Ltd, Success Motivation, Zimbabwe
  • Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo – Executive Director, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Ghana
  • Nhlanhla Nene – Resident Advisor, Thebe Investment Corporation, South Africa
  • Helen Zille – Premier, Western Cape, South Africa 
  • Dr. Theo De Jager (see picture) – President, World Farmers Association
  • Christian Dunbar – Deputy City Treasurer, City of Philadelphia, USA
  • Rafael Flor – Director: YieldWise, The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Cristina Miranda Gozalvez – Deputy Head of Unit, Unit “Global Issues and relations with ACP”, DG Agriculture & Rural Development, European Commission
  • Itai Melchior – Head of Trade and Economic Mission, Embassy of Israel in South Africa, South Africa 
  • Paul Andrew – Chief Executive Officer, Cros Agro Allied Ltd, Nigeria 
  • Sheikh Noor Ullah – Global Head of Agriculture, Acumen, Pakistan 

Over 100 meetings have been scheduled by the matchmaking team, ensuing attendees make the most of their time at the event and get dedicated time with potential clients and partners.

The Investment Discovery Sessions (IDS) linked accredited investors with agri businesses from across the value chain, allowing agri executives to present their projects to qualified investors in a private setting. This year 35 green- and brown-field projects from 11 African countries were pitched to the investors.

Extracts of the programme:
Improving the Investment Environment For African Agriculture – Ensuring Growth and Stability Through Policy ReformsAgricultural value chains need to be dynamic, productive and efficient for the sector to be sustainable. Governments need to respond to market signals and ensure policies and regulations will enable thriving business environment.

Africa’s Role in Global Food Security
The argument for a diversified economy and food security has incited an increased donor, government and private sector interest in investing into agri-business. With agriculture currently contributing 12.5% of Africa GDP, employing more than half of the labour force and a projected global population growth to more than 10 billion by 2050, some investors are talking about maximising their ROI on Africa’s potential to feed the world.

Implementing affordable finance scheme for farmers and agribusiness SMEs in West Africa
• Current financial landscape in the region – Challenges and opportunities
• Exploring the use of innovative products such as insurance, guarantees, shared risk facilities, microfinance and lease financing
• Managing risk in agribusiness lending – Strategy and duration risk in formulating exits

Financing the agro-industrialisation revolution in Africa
Over US$30bn was pledged by different governments (Africans and non-African), donor foundations and international institutions at the African Green Revolution Forum last year in a global effort to develop African agriculture. Further financial commitment and risk mitigation tools are required in order to move agriculture from a humanitarian development sector to a business sector for wealth creation.
Picture: speaker at this session: Stuart Bradley, Co-Founder and Joint Managing Partner Phatisa, South Africa

Agribusiness panel: Global competitiveness through investment, innovation, technology, economies of scale and quality reforms
The food and agribusiness sector is projected to grow from US$330 bn today to US$1 trn by 2030. African enterprises and investors need to convert this opportunity and unlock this potential for Africa to compete on the global market and reduce its food import bill – estimated to reach US$110 bn by 2025
About the African Agri Council
The African Agri Council is a network of global executives, decision makers and key stakeholders in the Agricultural industry. We connect executives with their peers, policy makers, investors and financiers and leading global service providers across Africa and around the world. The Council is an exclusive platform for networking, matchmaking and deal making in Africa. We focus on the business dynamics of agriculture; the pioneers, partnerships, investments, joint ventures and regulatory dynamics that determine the future direction of the industry and shape tomorrow’s sustainable food production and consumption landscape.

Video recordings

